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A Survey of Nonlinear Robust Optimization


Leyffer, Sven; Menickelly, Matt; Munson, Todd; Vanaret, Charlie William; Wild, Stefan


Robust optimization (RO) has attracted much attention from the optimization community over the past decade. RO is dedicated to solving optimization problems subject to uncertainty: design constraints must be satisfied for all the values of the uncertain parameters within a given uncertainty set. Uncertainty sets may be modeled as deterministic sets (boxes, polyhedra, ellipsoids), in which case the RO problem may be reformulated via worst-case analysis, or as families of distributions. The challenge of RO is to reformulate or approximate robust constraints so that the uncertain optimization problem is transformed into a tractable deterministic optimization problem. Most reformulation methods assume linearity of the robust constraints or uncertainty sets of favorable shape, which represents only a fraction of real-world applications. This survey addresses nonlinear RO and includes problem formulations and applications, solution approaches, and available software with code samples.