On October 30, EVS staff hosted the AGES+ Chicago Data Workshop at Argonne National Laboratory. The AGES+ campaigns represent the largest air quality-focused research campaign to date, spanning coast-to-coast, and encompassing hyperlocal ground-based observations, a network of instrumented ground sites, several NOAA and NASA research aircraft, and space-based observations.
As part of the campaigns, multiple ground‑based and airborne atmospheric observational platforms were deployed in the Chicago region during the summer of 2023. The workshop provided an overview of the air quality focused dataset and presented preliminary findings.
Attendees collaborated on how to integrate the AGES+ Chicago dataset with the larger country-wide scientific objectives and the Community Research on Climate and Urban Science (CROCUS) Urban Integrated Field Laboratory (U-IFL) ground site activities.
Those from EVS involved in organizing the workshop included Paytsar Muradyan, atmospheric scientist and CROCUS measurement deputy lead, Scott Collis, CROCUS measurement lead, and Joe O’Brien, atmospheric science software specialist. EVS division director Cristina Negri provided opening remarks and EVS participants included data scientist Max Grover and atmospheric scientist Bobby Jackson.
In addition to Argonne, attendees included NASA, NOAA, Lake Michigan Air Directors Consortium, the University of Wisconsin-Madison, the University of Alabama in Huntsville, the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, the US Environmental Protection Agency, Loyola University, and others.
“The workshop brought everyone together, where we could discuss the status of available measurement and opportunities for collaboration,” said Muradyan.
Severe ozone in counties adjacent to bodies of water like Lake Michigan, is a longstanding air quality challenge. The CROCUS team provided ground support through in-situ measurements of ozone and precursors such as NO2 and CO, as well as remote sensing measurements of atmospheric dynamics and aerosol profiles collected at Northeastern Illinois University.
These ground site assets overlapped with STAQS/AEROMMA science flights to study complex interactions between lake boundary layers, lake breezes and urban emissions.
“For Argonne, we were able to get early access to comprehensive field study measurements,” said Muradyan. “This data will be very important for CROCUS. We don’t have aircraft, so this was a fantastic opportunity to get a look from above and provide profiles of ozone and aerosol across the CROCUS study region and beyond.”