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Adam K Theisen

Atmospheric & Earth Science 3

Instrument Operations Manager for the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program User Facility


Adam has a background in atmospheric science with a focus on remote sensing and data analysis.  He received his degrees in Atmospheric Science from the University of North Dakota.  His current research interests revolve around open-source software, low-cost sensor development, and applications of machine learning to atmospheric science datasets.  He has spent most of his career with the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement User Facility (ARM). First with the ARM Data Quality Office at the University of Oklahoma from 2010-2018 as a research associate focused on analyzing data and developing tools to help others analyze data for data quality problems.  Currently as the Instrument Operations Manager since 2018 where he oversees roughly 70 instrument experts located across 13 institutions.  He also manages the open-source python library, Atmospheric data Community Toolkit (ACT), for working with atmospheric datasets.


  • MS Atmospheric Science, University of North Dakota, 2009
  • BS Atmospheric Science, University of North Dakota, 2007

Publications (Refereed)

  • Theisen, A., M. Ungar, B. Sheridan, and B. G. Illston. 2020. More Science with Less: Evaluation of a 3D-Printed Weather Station. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques Discussions, 1–20.

  • Gallo, F., J. Uin, S. R. Springston, J. Wang, G. Zheng, C. Kuang, R. Wood, E. B. Azevedo, A. McComiskey, F. Mei, J. Kyrouac, and A. C. Aiken. 2020. Identifying a regional aerosol baseline in the Eastern North Atlantic using collocated measurements and a mathematical algorithm to mask high submicron number concentration aerosol events. Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss., https://​doi​.org/​1​0​.​5​1​9​4​/​a​c​p​-​2​0​20-49, in review. (Authorship addition is pending) 

  • Dahl, N. A., A. Shapiro, C. K. Potvin, A. Theisen, J. G. Gebauer, A. D. Schenkman, and M. Xue. 2019. High-Resolution, Rapid-Scan Dual-Doppler Retrievals of Vertical Velocity in a Simulated Supercell. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 36 (8): 1477–1500. 

  • Peppler, R. A., K. E. Kehoe, J. W. Monroe, A. Theisen, and S. T. Moore. 2016. The ARM Data Quality Program. Meteorological Monographs 57. 

  • Giangrande, S. E., S. Collis, A. K. Theisen, and A. Tokay. 2014. Precipitation Estimation from the ARM Distributed Radar Network during the MC3E Campaign. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 53 (9): 2130–47. 

  • Kucera, P. A, A. Theisen, and D. Langerud. 2008. Polarimetric Cloud Analysis and Seeding Test (POLCAST). The Journal of Weather Modification 40 (1): 64–76.