Santanu Chaudhuri
Joint Appointment
Santanu Chaudhuri is the Director of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Argonne’s program that develops capabilities to use high-performance computing-based mesoscale simulation tools to accelerate the development and adoption of new materials for manufacturing.
Dr. Chaudhuri earned his Ph.D. in Materials Chemistry and Chemical Physics from SUNY Stony Brook in 2003. As a graduate student, he received a NATO scholarship to work at Oxford University developing simulation methods for ionic conductors, catalysts, and battery materials. From 2003–2006, Chaudhuri worked at Brookhaven National Laboratory’s Center for Functional Nanomaterials on theory-guided design of hydrogen storage materials for automobile applications. Subsequently, he joined Washington State University, where he led the development of Applied Sciences efforts and served as an Associate Professor in the Department of Physics and Astronomy. In 2014, Chaudhuri moved to the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and established the Accelerated Materials Research program as part of the Applied Research Institute.
Prior to joining Argonne, Dr. Chaudhuri served as the Associate Director of the Applied Research Institute (ARI) at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), responsible for engineering design and simulations. His research group worked on applications of high-performance computing in energy, environment and manufacturing applications for improving efficiency of materials insertion and deployment. He maintains a joint appointment as a Professor in the Civil and Materials Engineering Department at the University of Illinois at Chicago.
Publications: Jan-Dec 2020
- Duong, T. C.; Paulson, N. H.; Stan, M.; Chaudhuri, S. “An Efficient Approximation of the Supercell Approach to the Calculation of the Full Phonon Spectrum.” Calphad 2021, 72, 102215.
- Gabriel, J. J.; Paulson, N. H.; Duong, T. C.; Tavazza, F.; Becker, C. A.; Chaudhuri, S.; Stan, M. “Uncertainty Quantification in Atomistic Modeling of Metals and Its Effect on Mesoscale and Continuum Modeling: A Review.” JOM 2020,
- Priya, P.; Mercer, B.; Huang, S.; Aboukhatwa, M.; Yuan, L.; Chaudhuri, S. “Towards prediction of microstructure during laser-based additive manufacturing process of Co-Cr-Mo powder beds.” Materials & Design 2020, 196:109117,
- Samaei, A.; Chaudhuri, S. “Understanding the Dynamic Growth Environment of Silicon Dioxide in Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Using Multiphysics Modeling.” Surfaces and Interfaces 2020, 21,
- Levental, M.; Chard, R.; Libera, J.A.; Chard, K.; Koripelly, A.; Elias, J.R.; Schwarting, M.; Blaiszik, B.; Stan, M.; Chaudhuri, S.; Foster, I. “Towards Online Steering of Flame Spray Pyrolysis Nanoparticle Synthesis.” In 2020 IEEE/ACM 2nd Annual Workshop on Extreme-scale Experiment-in-the-Loop Computing (XLOOP) 2020, 35-40,
- Samaei, A.; Chaudhuri, S. “Multiphysics modeling of metal surface cleaning using atmospheric pressure plasma.” Journal of Applied Physics 2020, 128(5):054903,
- Stevens, R.; Taylor, V.; Nichols, J.; Maccabe, A.B.; Yelick, K.; Brown, D. AI for Science, Argonne, IL (United States) 2020,
- Priya, P.; Yan, X.; Chaudhuri, S. “Study of Intermetallics for Corrosion and Creep Resistant Microstructure in Mg-RE and Mg-Al-RE Alloys through a Data-Centric High-Throughput DFT Framework.” Comp Mater. Sci. 2020, 175, 109541,
- Lee, K.; Joshi, K.; Chaudhuri, S.; Scott Stewart, D. “Mirrored Continuum and Molecular Scale Simulations of Deflagration in a Nano-Slab of HMX.” Flame 2020, 215, 352–363,
J.R. Elias, R. Chard, J.A. Libera, I. Foster and S. Chaudhuri, “The Manufacturing Data and Machine Learning Platform: Enabling Real-time Monitoring and Control of Scientific Experiments via IoT,” 2020 IEEE 6th World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT), New Orleans, LA, USA, 2020, pp. 1-2, doi: 10.1109/WF-IoT48130.2020.9221078.