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Fermi Arcs in a Doped Pseudospin-1/2 Heisenberg Antiferromagnet.


Kim, Y.; Krupin, O.; Denlinger, J.; Bostwick, A.; Rotenberg, E.; Zhao, Q.; Mitchell, J.; Allen, J.; Kim, B.


High temperature superconductivity arises from an electronic state that remains poorly understood and is unstable against forming various other competing orders such as spin/charge density waves and electronic liquid crystal. A signature of this anomalous electronic state is its strange’ metal behaviors at high temperatures. We report the observation of a homologous electronic state in a non-cuprate material Sr2IrO4 as evidenced by the unique cuprate Fermiology reproduced in this material. Upon surface electron doping through in situ deposition of alkali-metal atoms, angle-resolved photoemission spectra of Sr2IrO4 display disconnected segments of zero-energy states, known as Fermi arcs’, and a gap as large as 80 meV. Its evolution toward a normal metal phase with a closed Fermi surface as a function of doping and temperature parallels that in the cuprates. Our result suggests a novel route to high temperature superconductivity.