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Institutional Partnerships

Visiting Student Program for Graduate Students

Welcome to Argonne National Laboratory’s Visiting Student Program! This unique opportunity is open to both undergraduate and graduate students who wish to conduct research at our world-class facility.

Program Overview

The Visiting Student Program allows students with funding from their university or another institution to conduct research at Argonne. This program is designed to enhance your academic experience by providing access to our state-of-the-art resources and collaborative research environment.

How to Participate

  1. Explore Research Opportunities: Visit our Research Index to browse ongoing projects and identify potential research areas that align with your interests.
  2. Connect with Researchers: Use the contact information provided in the Research Index to reach out to Argonne researchers whose work interests you. Discuss potential collaboration opportunities and how your research goals align with their projects.
  3. Secure Funding: Ensure you have funding secured from your university or another institution before proceeding. Such examples include honors colleges, NSF-supported programs, donor-supported internship placements.
  4. Initiate the Process: Once you’ve connected with an Argonne researcher and secured funding, contact students@​anl.​gov to initiate the hiring process. Summer placements should be initiated by April 4th, 2025. 


To be eligible for the Visiting Student Program, you must:

  • Be currently enrolled full-time at an accredited institution
  • Be 18 years or older at the time the appointment begins
  • Have secured funding from your university or another institution in writing
  • Complete a Guest Research Agreement during the onboarding process
  • Foreign Government Sponsored Activities: Argonne employees, guest researchers, and contractors are subject to restrictions related to participation in Foreign Government Sponsored or Affiliated Activities, as defined in U.S. Department of Energy Order 486.1A. You may be asked to disclose any such participation during the application process.

Research Index

Check out some projects being worked on at Argonne

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Successful Visiting Student Program Examples