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Argonne National Laboratory

Autonomous Discovery Events

Featured Past Event

Rapid Prototyping Lab Tours at the Argonne Open House

On Saturday, May 20, 2023, Argonne National Laboratory welcomed over 9,000 visitors to an Open House to celebrate the lab’s transformational science. Attendees got to have fun touring our facilities, doing hands-on experiments, meeting our staff and researchers, and learning how science is answering some of the biggest questions facing humanity.

The Rapid Prototyping Lab was among the featured locations that visitors got the chance to tour. Thousands of people made their way through the lab to see an example of an autonomous workflow in action, check out 3-D printers and see a demonstration of digital twins. Best of all, visitors got to learn about careers in autonomous discovery from dedicated researchers Casey Stone, Abe Stroka and Rory Butler.


SDL Open House

On November 8, 2020, laboratory leaders toured facilities that are part of Argonne’s self-driving laboratory pilot projects, which employ robotic platforms to conduct high-throughput experiments using machine learning-based optimization. The pilot projects were designed to develop general capabilities that can be easily retargeted to new problems by adding new instruments or reagents or by reprogramming —without the need to build a whole new infrastructure and a whole new software stack for each problem.

The tour highlighted the capabilities and crosscutting teams developed as a first step to autonomous, self-driving laboratories that will lead to more efficient experiments and faster solutions to and discoveries aimed at issues important to society.