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Edward F. Barry

Applications Scientist


Dr. Edward Barry is an Applications Scientist in the Applied Materials division at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Argonne National Laboratory.

Education and Experience

  • Ph.D. Brandeis University (2006-2011)
  • Rowland Institute at Harvard (2004-2006)
  • B.S. Fordham University (1999-2003)


Selected Awards 

  • 2017 R&D 100 Awards - (i) Editors Choice, (ii) Green Tech Gold, and (iii) R&D 100 
  • 2017 EGS Excellence Award
  • 2010 Cozzarelli Prize from the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
  • 2010 Materials Research Society (MRS) Graduate Student Award Finalist
  • 2008 Stephan Berko Memorial Prize (Outstanding Graduate Research) - Brandeis University
  • 2003 Victor F. Award - Fordham University 


Select Publications

  • E. Barry,A. U. Mane, J. A. Libera, J. W. Elam, and S. B. Darling, Mitigating Oil Spills in the Water Column,” ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE: WATER RESEARCH & TECHNOLOGY (2017)
  • E. Barry, A. U. Mane, J. A. Libera, J. W. Elam, and S. B. Darling, Advanced Oil Sorbents Using Sequential Infiltration Synthesis,” JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A, 5, 2929 (2017)
  • E. Barry, S.P. McBride, H.M. Jaeger, and X.M. Lin, Ion-Transport Controlled by Nanoparticle Functionalized Membranes,” NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, 5, 5847 (2014)
  • T. Gibaud, E. Barry, M.J. Zakhary, M. Henglin, A. Ward, Y.S. Yang, C. Berciu, R. Oldenbourg, M.F. Hagan, D. Nicastro, R.B. Meyer, and Z. Dogic, Reconfigurable Self-Assembly through Chiral Control of Interfacial Tension.” NATURE, 481, 348-352 (2012)
  • E. Barry and Z. Dogic, Entropy Driven Self-Assembly of Non-Amphiphilic Colloidal Membranes.” PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, 107, 10348 (2010)