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Argonne Tandem Linac Accelerator System

The prime national facility for nuclear structure research, the Argonne Tandem Linac Accelerator System (ATLAS) is the world’s first superconducting linear accelerator for heavy ions at energies in the vicinity of the Coulomb barrier.

This is the energy domain best suited to study the properties of the nucleus, the core of matter and the fuel of stars. ATLAS can provide beams of essentially all stable isotopes from protons to uranium, and a variety of light radioactive beams through our in-flight production program and heavier neutron-rich isotopes from CARIBU.

ATLAS is a U.S. Department of Energy User Facility that hosts roughly 200 to 300 users each year. It is supported by the Office of Nuclear Physics of the Department of Energy. ATLAS users come from U.S. universities and national laboratories as well as from foreign institutions. The facility is also accessible to industrial users.


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