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William Pringle Headshot

William Pringle

Numerical Modeler/Coastal Hydrology


Dr. William Pringle specializes in modeling storm tide and analyzing how coastal sea levels are affected by more-frequent extreme weather events.  As an integral member of Argonne’s Climate Modeling team, contributes his expertise in physical/coastal oceanography and modeling to deliver enhanced modeling capabilities and expertise in coastal climate science. He is principal investigator on projects that employ ensemble model prediction for the Hurricane Surge On-Demand Forecast System and examine the use of artificial intelligence-based local downscaling to predict global coastal flooding.

Pringle graduated from the University of Canterbury in New Zealand and conducted  his post-graduate work in tsunami research at the Kyoto University’s Disaster Prevention Research Institute. He completed a 3-year postdoc at the University of Notre Dame, helping to advance modeling capabilities for tides and storm surge all over the world.

At Argonne, he works on storm tide modeling and analysis of coastal extreme sea levels to determine how these could be affected by climate change. He has partnered with the EVS Sociocultural Systems Department, Argonne’s Decision and Infrastructure Science division, and DOE on projects involving offshore wind resource science and Great Lakes Region coastal and climate science.