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Decision and Infrastructure Sciences

Community and Infrastructure Adaptation to Climate Change

Developing a climate adaptation decision support tool to help decision makers address climate change and infrastructure impacts.

Critical infrastructure systems throughout the U.S. are increasingly at risk due to systemic underinvestment and intensifying natural hazards related to climate change.

Research on climate change, impacts on critical infrastructure, and infrastructure adaptation is constantly evolving and is published at a blistering pace. This makes it nearly impossible to review the findings and use them to inform climate adaptation decision-making.

Decision-makers require actionable, understandable guidance on:

  • Projected future location-specific climate conditions
  • The potential impacts of these future conditions on critical infrastructure systems
  • Remedial climate change adaptation strategies to enhance the resilience of these systems and reduce their future disruptions

But with the current resources, that is extremely difficult, if not impossible.

Argonne’s Solution: Creating a Digital Analysis Tool to Track Climate Change Information

Argonne is a global leader in multiple disciplines that relate to community and infrastructure adaptation to climate change, including:

  • Climate sciences
  • Computational sciences
  • Infrastructure systems
  • Emergency response

Leveraging this unique combination of cutting-edge and interrelated capabilities, Argonne is developing a climate adaptation decision support tool. The tool can read millions of articles a day and track the evolution of topics over time-offering a solution to the challenge decision makers face in wrapping their arms around all the climate change and infrastructure impacts research that exists.

The Impact

  • The Argonne tool analyzes research that is published on climate change, impacts on critical infrastructure, and infrastructure adaptation and boils it down to manageable and understandable reports.
  • The tool offers decision makers cutting-edge and actionable information on climate hazards, threats to critical infrastructure, and climate adaptation best practices helping them better safeguard systems and communities.