Flooding and Stormwater Analyses
EVS researchers use hydrologic modeling to evaluate the potential for flooding at facilities such as nuclear power plants. The results of these efforts improve the management of stormwater runoff and assess safety at these sites.
For the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), EVS conducted modeling analyses and field inspections to support flooding re-evaluations at several dozen power plant sites and hydrologic safety evaluations at new reactor sites. The models focused on local intense precipitation, stream and river flooding, dam failure, and coastal flooding mechanisms, and relied on current methods, data, and regulatory guidance.
EVS provides stormwater modeling analysis for the Army National Guard to support the maintenance of predevelopment hydrology during construction of new facilities (as required by Section 438 of the Environmental Independence and Security Act) and to reduce stormwater runoff and pollution (as required by Executive Order 13514). In a recent example, the work was documented in a stormwater management plan, which provided runoff modeling results, an assessment of stormwater detention capacity, and recommendations to the Guard for best management practices at the site.