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Michael N. Bishof

Assistant Physicist, Experimental


If you are interested in joining any of my projects as a postdoc, graduate, or undergraduate student, please contact me via email.

Michael Bishof is an Assistant Physicist in the Physics Division working in the Fundamental Symmetries group and Argonne’s Trace Radioisotope Analysis CEnterR (TRACER) .  Within the Fundamental Symmetries group, Michael leads an experiment to measure the electric diople moment (EDM) of the Radium-225 atom.  He is also building optical tweezer arrays of single Yb atoms to perform quantum simulations of strongly interacting systems that are relevant to nuclear physics.  As a member of TRACER, Michael works to improve the atom trap trace analysis (ATTA) technique and expand its scientific impact. 

Michael earned his PhD in physics from the University of Colorado at Boulder in 2014.  He worked under the supervision of Prof. Jun Ye at JILA, a joint institute between the University of Colorado and the National Institute of Standards and Technology.  His thesis research centered on using ultracold, optical-lattice-trapped strontium atoms to develop the most stable and accurate clock and to study many-body physics.   Michael joined the Medium Energy Physics Group in 2014 as a Director’s Fellow and contributed to the first ever measurement of the Electric Dipole Moment (EDM) of 225Ra.  Subsequently, he improved this measurement by over an order of magnitude.