Xiao-Min Lin
Scientist, Nanoscience
Colloidal Nanoparticle Synthesis, self-assembly and Property studies. Current project involves 1) Using SAXS/XPCS and single particle tracking to study particle dynamics in complex environment 2) AI-driven synthesis 3) Nanoscale Catalysis
Scientist & Joint Staff, James Franck Institute, University of Chicago
- Postdoc, James Franck Institute, University of Chicago (2000-2002)
- Ph.D. Condensed Matter Physics, Kansas State University (1999)
- M.S. Inorganic Chemistry, Kansas State University (1999)
- M.S. Condensed Matter Physics - Shanghai JiaoTong University (1994)
- B.S. Applied Physics (Major) - Shanghai JiaoTong University (1991)
Research efforts include developing synthetic methods that yield nanocrystal building blocks with complex structures and understanding the driving force that leads to self-assembly of nanocrystal arrays, especially developing approaches to form composite nanocrystal arrays with multifunctionalities.