Argonne National Laboratory
Technical Assistance in Decarbonization
Argonne helps local, regional and global partners explore and deploy strategies to decarbonize transportation, electricity generation, buildings, energy-intensive industries and agriculture.
- Policies for public-fleet procurement
- Low-carbon fuel standards to drive deployment of low-carbon fuels and zero-emissions vehicles
- Joint RD&D for electric vehicle (EV) interoperability and grid integration
- Modeling and analysis to optimize grid integration of charging infrastructure
- Policies and standards for material efficiency
- Joint RD&D and testing for hydrogen (H2) for heat and asfeedstock production
- Modeling and analysis to determine electrification opportunities
- Policies for finance availability
- Codes and standards for appliances and buildings performance
- Demonstration of technologies at building-, stock-, and community level
- Workforce development for operators of net-zero buildings at scale
Carbon Capture and Geologic Storage
- Integrated assessment modeling to identify economic pathways to emissions reductions
- Implementation of tools and practices for management, monitoring, validation, and accounting
- Technical and market development to create value from CO2 waste streams
- Analysis and road mapping to evaluate technologies for different power-sector applications
- Policies and regulations for business model and market development
- Workforce development to facilitate knowledge-sharing and best practices around emerging technologies
- Grid modernization infrastructure and operational tools
- Policies and best practices for grid planning and system operation
- Modeling and analysis for grid integration and electricity market design
- Deployment of renewables and solutions for driving higher penetrations