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Energy Efficiency

Pioneering solutions for industry, transportation, power plants and more

Argonne R&D promotes energy efficiency in industry, buildings, transportation, and on-site stationary power generation. We apply our expertise in materials fabrication, characterization, and modeling. We also leverage our unique on-site characterization and high-performance computing facilities to discover and develop metal-nanocarbon composites with enhanced electrical and thermal conductivity. These materials could be used in high-voltage transmission wires, electric motors, and other areas where resistive losses are significant. We are also working collaboratively with university partners to investigate the potential emission reductions associated with migrating loads among data centers.

For applications in transportation and stationary power generation, Argonne has longstanding programs to develop energy-efficient turbines and engines. For more than 10 years, our researchers have leveraged the high-performance computing facilities at the Argonne Leadership Computing Facility to improve the efficiency of internal combustion engines. More recently, Argonne scientists developed a smart sensor to optimize combined heat and power systems for the use of hydrogen and hydrogen blends.

The treatment and conveyance of water at municipal and regional scales consumes a considerable amount of energy. Through its leadership of the Advanced Materials for Energy-Water Systems (AMEWS) Center, Argonne researchers investigate the fundamental chemical and physical interactions at the interface of water and solids. Discoveries made through AMEWS have the potential to guide the design of materials that resist fouling, corrosion, and other degradation that reduces the energy efficiency of systems that handle water.