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- Ph.D., Physics and Materials Research, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic, 2001
- M.Sc. Degree in Physics summa cum laude, Donetsk State University, Donetsk, Ukraine, 1996
Professional Experience
- 2008-present Physicist, Materials Science Division, Argonne National Laboratory
- 2006-2008 Enrico Fermi Fellow, Materials Science Division, Argonne National Laboratory
- 2004-2006 Postdoctoral Researcher, Materials Science Division, Argonne National Laboratory
- 2002-2004 Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of South Carolina
- 1996-2002 Research Scientist, Department of Low Temperature Physics, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
Select Awards
- Argonne Board of Governors’ Distinguished Performance Award, University of Chicago, USA (2014)
- Enrico Fermi Fellowship, Argonne National Laboratory, Illinois, USA (2006)
Research Interests
- Out-of-equilibrium self-assembly and collective dynamics at micro and nano scales
- Emergent phenomena in complex systems, active colloids
Select Publications
- “Polar state reversal in active fluids”
B. Zhang, H. Yuan, A. Sokolov, M. O. de la Cruz, A. Snezhko
Nature Physics 18, 154-159 (2022)
- “Reconfigurable emergent patterns in active chiral fluids”
B. Zhang, A. Sokolov, A. Snezhko
Nature Communications 11, 4401 (2020)
- “Emergence of radial tree of bend stripes in active nematics”
A. Sokolov, A. Mozaffari, R. Zhang, J. de Pablo, A. Snezhko
Physical Review X 9, 031014 (2019)
- “Driving self-assembly and emergent dynamics in colloidal suspensions by time-dependent magnetic fields”
J. Martin, A. Snezhko
Reports on Progress in Physics 76, 126601 (2013)
- ”Active turbulence in a gas of self-assembled spinners”
G. Kokot, S. Das, R. Winkler, G. Gompper, I. Aranson, A. Snezhko
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114, 12870 (2017)
- “Magnetic manipulation of self-assembled colloidal asters”
A. Snezhko, I. Aranson
Nature Materials 10, 698 (2011)
- “Manipulation of emergent vortices in swarms of magnetic rollers”
G. Kokot, A. Snezhko
Nature Communications 9, 2344 (2018)
- “Self-assembled magnetic surface swimmers”
A. Snezhko, M. Belkin, I. S. Aranson, W.-K. Kwok
Physical Review Letters 99, 158301 (2009)
- “Surface wave assisted self-assembly of multidomain magnetic structures”
A. Snezhko, I. S. Aranson, W.-K. Kwok
Physical Review Letters 96, 078701 (2006)
- “Flocking ferromagnetic colloids”
A. Kaiser, A.Snezhko, I. Aranson
Science Advances 3, e1601469 (2017)
- “Magnetic nanoparticles as efficient bulk pinning centers in type-II superconductors”
A. Snezhko, T. Prozorov, R. Prozorov
Physical Review B 71, 024527 (2005)
- “Reconfigurable structure and tunable transport in synchronized active spinner materials”
K. Han, G. Kokot, S Das, R.G. Winkler, G. Gompper, A. Snezhko
Science Advances 6, eaaz8535 (2020)