Di-Jia Liu
Senior Chemist
Di-Jia (DJ) Liu is a Senior Chemist at CSE. He joined Argonne National Laboratory in 2002 after 12 year R&D at Honeywell International where he last served as Senior Principal Scientist. His current interests cover nanomaterials for fuel cells, electrocatalysis for water splitting, CO2-to-chemical/fuel conversion, hydrogen/methane storage, advanced battery technology, catalytic reforming for H2 production, advanced x-ray characterization techniques, etc. At Honeywell, he led various projects in fuel cells, automotive emission control catalysis, aviation environmental control system, advanced material characterization and industrial Six-Sigma process improvement. Dr. Liu holds joint appointments as a Senior Scientist at Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering of University of Chicago and a Graduate Faculty Scholar at Northern Illinois University. He also serves as the operating agent on behalf of USDOE in coordinating Task 31 (fuel cell materials) activities in Technology Collaboration Programme on Advanced Fuel Cells (AFC TCP) under the International Energy Agency. He is a member of American Chemical Society, Electrochemical Society and American Association for the Advancement of Science.
Dr. Liu has over 100 scientific publications including six in Science and Nature family, 32 granted US patents and numerous patent applications and international patents ranging from PEM and solid oxide fuel cells, electrocatalysis for CO2 conversion and water splitting, environmental catalysis, hydrogen production/storage, to sensors. He received four R&D 100 Awards as the lead inventor (2016, 2019, 2020, 2022), Argonne National Laboratory Board of Governors Distinguished Performance Award, Argonne’s Pacesetter Award, IMPACT Argonne Award, DOE Office of Sciences Outstanding Mentor Award, and DOE Hydrogen Sorption Center of Excellence Team Award. At Honeywell, he was recognized by Corporate Technical Achievement Award in 1998 and 2000 USA Today Quality Cup among many other recognitions.
B. Sc. In Chemistry, Peking University, 1982
Ph. D. in Physical Chemistry, The University of Chicago, 1987
Postdoc fellow, The University of California at Berkeley, 1988-2000
Awards & Recognitions
- Argonne National Laboratory Board of Governors Distinguished Performance Award, 2023
- Impact Argonne Award for extraordinary effort in developing report on “Platinum Group Metal Catalysts - Supply Chain Deep Dive Assessment” on behalf of DOE to Executive Order 140017, 2022
- R&D 100 Award - “PGM-free OER Catalyst as Replacement of Iridium for PEM Water Electrolyzer”, 2022
- R&D 100 Award - “Versatile Method for Preparing Highly Effective Electro-catalysts for CO2 to Chemical Conversion”, 2020
- R&D 100 Award - “Fuel Cell with Ultralow Pt Loading”, 2019
- R&D 100 Award - “Porous Nano-network Catalyst”, 2016
- DOE Hydrogen Program Team Award by DOE, Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy, 2010.
- Outstanding Mentor Award by Office of Science, U. S. Department of Energy, 2010.
- Argonne National Laboratory Pacesetter Award , 2006.
- Honeywell Aerospace Technology Achievement Award , 2001
- Honeywell Laboratory Special Recognition Award, 2001
- Honeywell Power Systems Achievement Award, 2000
- USA Today Quality Cup Award , 2000
- AlliedSignal Corporate Technical Achievement Award, 1998
Ten representative recent publications:
- “La- and Mn-doped cobalt spinel oxygen evolution catalyst for proton exchange membrane electrolysis” Lina Chong, Guoping Gao, Jianguo Wen, Haixia Li, Haiping Xu, Zach Green, Joshua D. Sugar, A. Jeremy Kropf, Wenqian Xu, Xiao-Min Lin, Hui Xu, Lin-Wang Wang, Di-Jia Liu*, Science 380, 609–616 2023,DOI: 10.1126/science.ade1499, https://www.science.org/stoken/author-tokens/ST-1203/full
- “Electrochemical conversion of CO2 to long-chain hydrocarbons” Di-Jia Liu*, Joule 2022 6, 1969–1980
- “Metal–Organic Frameworks and Metal–Organic Gels for Oxygen Electrocatalysis: Structural and Compositional Considerations”Hao Wang, Biao-Hua Chen, and Di-Jia Liu*, Adv. Mater. 2021, 2008023
- “Highly selective electrocatalytic CO2 reduction to ethanol by metallic clusters dynamically formed from atomically dispersed copper”, Haiping Xu, Dominic Rebollar, Haiying He, Lina Chong, Yuzi Liu, Cong Liu, Cheng-Jun Sun, Tao Li, John V. Muntean, Randall E. Winans, Di-Jia Liu* and Tao Xu, Nature Energy, 5, 623–632, 2020
- “Impacts of Imidazolate Ligand to Performance of Zeolitic-Imidazolate Framework-Derived Oxygen Reduction Catalysts”, Hao Wang, Lauren R. Grabstanowicz, Heather M. Barkholtz, Dominic Rebollar, Zachary B. Kaiser, Dan Zhao, Biao-Hua Chen, and Di-Jia Liu*, ACS Energy Lett. 2019, 4, 10, 2500-2507.
- “Ultralow-loading platinum-cobalt fuel cell catalysts derived from imidazolate frameworks” L. Chong, J. Wen, J. Kubal, F. Sen, J. Zou, J. Greeley, M. Chan, H. Barkholtz, W. Ding, D.-J. Liu*, Science 2018, 362, 1276–1281
- “Advancements in rationally designed PGM-free fuel cell catalysts derived from metal–organic frameworks” (Invited Review) Heather M. Barkholtz and Di-Jia Liu*, Materials Horizons, 2017, 4, 20—37
- “High-efficiency non-precious metal catalyst containing metal-organic framework precursor inside of carbon nano-network” J. Shui, C. Chen, L. R. Grabstanowicz, D. Zhao and D.-J. Liu*, Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences, 2015, vol. 112, no. 34, 10629–10634
- “Highly Efficient Non-Precious Metal Electrocatalysts Prepared from One-Pot Synthesized Zeolitic Imidazolate Frameworks (ZIFs)” D. Zhao, J. Shui, L. R. Grabstanowicz, C. Chen, S. M. Commet, T. Xu, J. Lu, and D.-J. Liu*, Advanced Materials, 2014, 26, 1093–1097
- “Reversibility of anodic lithium in non-aqueous Li-O2 batteries” J.-. Shui, J. S. Okasinski, P. Kenesei, H. A. Dobbs, D. Zhao, J. D. Almer, and D.-J. Liu*, Nature Comm. 2013 4, 2255
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