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Jennifer M. Abplanalp

Interim Department Head, Sociocultural Systems

Specialization in cultural resources management, cultural landscape assessments, and NAGPRA.


Jenn has over twenty years of experience in cultural resources management with areas of specialization in the analysis of the impacts of energy development on our nation’s historic and cultural resources, tribal consultation, cultural landscape assessments, and implementing the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA). She has experience managing high profile archaeological and cultural investigations in support of urban and industrial energy development in the American west. She is currently leading a number of cultural resources projects for the Air Force Civil Engineer Center including, curation assessments, document curation projects, tribal consultation initiatives, and the development of agreement documents. Jenn serves as the lead on the AFCEC enterprise-wide Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA) inventory, which aims to protect and return all American Indian and Native Hawaiian ancestors currently held in the collections of Department of Air Force installations across the United States.


  • 2008 Northern Illinois University :: Master of Arts in Anthropology, Minor Museum Studies
  • 2003 University of Illinois at Chicago :: Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology, Minor in Biology