Paul E. Reimer
My research involves the study of the properties of the nucleon and of nuclei at the quark level. In this research, the Drell-Yan process is exploited to probe selectively the antiquark distributions of the target nuclei. In Fermilab E866/NuSea, this technique was used to determine the ratio of anti-d to anti-u quarks in the proton, which showed a surprisingly large flavor asymmetry in the sea quark distributions. I am a co-spokespersons of Fermilab E-906/SeaQuest which will use a proton beam extracted from the Fermilab Main Injector to extend this measurement with significantly better statistical precision to larger values of xBj. E906 will also examine the antiquark distributions in nuclei, looking for an antiquark excess which would signal the presence of nuclear pions; absolute Drell-Yan cross sections as a measurement of the absolute magnitude of the sea quark distributions; and partonic energy loss in cold nuclear matter. As a member of the HERMES collaboration, I participate in the study of the longitudinal and transverse spin distributions of quarks in the nucleon.
I am also interested in studies of fundamental electroweak symmetries. These can be accessed at low energies using the CEBAF accelerator at the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (JLab). I am co-spokesperson on two proposals, the 6 GeV PV-DIS E08-011 and the 12 GeV PVDIS (E12-07-102) that will together use Parity Violating Deep Inelastic Scattering to measure sin2θW and the quark-electron C2q coupling constants.