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Argonne Tandem Linac Accelerator System

ATLAS Schedule & Calendar


List of target areas with color code and detector systems within area:
Area 2 (green): BPT (trap area)
Area 3 (orange): ATSCAT, HELIOS, MUSIC, SPS
Area 4 (purple): AGFA, FMA, Gammasphere, GRETINA

The calendar above shows ATLAS events relevant to our user community including: 1) scheduled experiments in each target area, 2) development, maintenance and shutdown periods, 3) periods when access to accelerator and/or target areas may be limited due to radiation, construction, etc., and 4) conferences, workshops or meetings of the nuclear physics community potentially affecting ATLAS operations.

To enable/disable a specific calendar, click on the button in the upper-right corner of the calendar window then check/uncheck desired calendar.

Contact the ATLAS User Liaison with questions.

Critical Beam Change Request Form

Request a critical beam change on a scheduled experiment.

Critical Request