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Charudatta M. Phatak

Deputy Division Director, Materials Scientist


Research Interests

  • Exploring magnetic domain behavior and emergent topological excitations in nanoscale magnetic heterostructures including 2D ferromagnets, artificial spin ices, synthetic antiferromagnets.
  • Exploring new materials and phenomena in oxides and quantum materials for low power, unconventional and neuromorphic computing.
  • Undestanding interfacial phenomena in materials such as solid electrolytes.
  • Development of advanced algorithms using machine-learning for phase retrieval and 3D tomographic reconstructions of scalar and vector fields for TEM.


  • Ph.D - 2009, Materials Science Engineering,

    Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
  • M. Tech – 2005 (Ceramics and Composites),

    Metallurgical and Materials Science Engineering,

    Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, India
  • B. Tech – 2004,

    Metallurgical and Materials Science Engineering,

    Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, India


  • Argonne Impact Award for Safety in 2021.
  • Strategic Laboratory Leadership Program Honoree, University of Chicago Booth School of Business, 2019.
  • Awarded the Early Career Award from joint Institute of Sustainability and Energy at Northwestern-Argonne to perform research on electrostatic potential mapping using electron microscopy, June 2015.
  • Awarded fellowship on international cooperation by Univ. of Paul Sabatier, Toulouse on Combining Vector Field Tomography using off-axis and in-line holography”, September 2012.

Selected Publications

  • A.R.C. McCray, Y. Li, E. Qian, Y. Li, W. Wang, Z. Huang, X. Ma, Y. Liu, D.Y. Chung, M.G. Kanatzidis, A.K. Petford‐Long, and C. Phatak, Direct Observation of Magnetic Bubble Lattices and Magnetoelastic Effects in van der Waals Cr2Ge2Te6,” Adv Func Materials, 2214203 (2023).
  • T. Cote, A.K. Petford-Long, and C. Phatak, Direct observation of magnetic ordering induced via systematic lattice disorder in artificial rhombus spin ices,” Nanoscale, 15, 11506 (2023).
  • B.W. Casas, Y. Li, A. Moon, Y. Xin, C. McKeever, J. Macy, A.K. Petford‐Long, C.M. Phatak, E.J.G. Santos, E.S. Choi, and L. Balicas, Coexistence of Merons with Skyrmions in the Centrosymmetric van der Waals Ferromagnet Fe5‐ xGeTe2,” Advanced Materials, 2212087 (2023).
  • A.R.C. McCray, Y. Li, R. Basnet, K. Pandey, J. Hu, D.P. Phelan, X. Ma, A.K. Petford-Long, and C. Phatak, Thermal Hysteresis and Ordering Behavior of Magnetic Skyrmion Lattices,” Nano Lett. 22(19), 7804–7810 (2022).
  • V. Brajuskovic, A. McCray, Y. Zhang, and C. Phatak, In situ observation of the magnetization configuration and reversal in cylindrical nanowires,” APL Materials 10(8), 081109 (2022).
  • T. Zhou, M. Cherukara, and C. Phatak, Differential programming enabled functional imaging with Lorentz transmission electron microscopy,” Npj Computational Materials 7(1), 141 (2021).
  • F. Barrows, H. Arava, C. Zhou, P. Nealey, T. Segal-Peretz, Y. Liu, S. Bakaul, C. Phatak, and A. Petford-Long, Mesoscale Confinement Effects and Emergent Quantum Interference in Titania Antidot Thin Films,” ACS Nano15(8), 12935–12944 (2021).
  • X. Xu, Y. Liu, J. Wang, D. Isheim, V.P. Dravid, C. Phatak, and S.M. Haile, Variability and origins of grain boundary electric potential detected by electron holography and atom-probe tomography,” Nature Materials 19(8), 887–893 (2020).

Professional Activities

  • Symposium organizer and chair at Annual Meeting of the Minerals, Metals and Materials Society, 2018 - 2020.
  • Programming committee for International Conference on Magnetism, 2018.
  • Program committee of Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2011, 2016.
  • Member, Center for Nanoscale Materials User Executive Committee, 2015-2018.
  • Chair, IEEE Nanotechnology Council Chicago Chapter.