Exploring magnetic domain behavior and emergent topological excitations in nanoscale magnetic heterostructures including 2D ferromagnets, artificial spin ices, synthetic antiferromagnets.
Exploring new materials and phenomena in oxides and quantum materials for low power, unconventional and neuromorphic computing.
Undestanding interfacial phenomena in materials such as solid electrolytes.
Development of advanced algorithms using machine-learning for phase retrieval and 3D tomographic reconstructions of scalar and vector fields for TEM.
Ph.D - 2009, Materials Science Engineering,
Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
M. Tech – 2005 (Ceramics and Composites),
Metallurgical and Materials Science Engineering,
Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, India
B. Tech – 2004,
Metallurgical and Materials Science Engineering,
Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, India
Argonne Impact Award for Safety in 2021.
Strategic Laboratory Leadership Program Honoree, University of Chicago Booth School of Business, 2019.
Awarded the Early Career Award from joint Institute of Sustainability and Energy at Northwestern-Argonne to perform research on electrostatic potential mapping using electron microscopy, June 2015.
Awarded fellowship on international cooperation by Univ. of Paul Sabatier, Toulouse on “Combining Vector Field Tomography using off-axis and in-line holography”, September 2012.
Selected Publications
A.R.C. McCray, Y. Li, E. Qian, Y. Li, W. Wang, Z. Huang, X. Ma, Y. Liu, D.Y. Chung, M.G. Kanatzidis, A.K. Petford‐Long, and C. Phatak, “Direct Observation of Magnetic Bubble Lattices and Magnetoelastic Effects in van der Waals Cr2Ge2Te6,” Adv Func Materials, 2214203 (2023).
T. Cote, A.K. Petford-Long, and C. Phatak, “Direct observation of magnetic ordering induced via systematic lattice disorder in artificial rhombus spin ices,” Nanoscale, 15, 11506 (2023).
B.W. Casas, Y. Li, A. Moon, Y. Xin, C. McKeever, J. Macy, A.K. Petford‐Long, C.M. Phatak, E.J.G. Santos, E.S. Choi, and L. Balicas, “Coexistence of Merons with Skyrmions in the Centrosymmetric van der Waals Ferromagnet Fe5‐xGeTe2,” Advanced Materials, 2212087 (2023).
A.R.C. McCray, Y. Li, R. Basnet, K. Pandey, J. Hu, D.P. Phelan, X. Ma, A.K. Petford-Long, and C. Phatak, “Thermal Hysteresis and Ordering Behavior of Magnetic Skyrmion Lattices,” Nano Lett.22(19), 7804–7810 (2022).
V. Brajuskovic, A. McCray, Y. Zhang, and C. Phatak, “In situ observation of the magnetization configuration and reversal in cylindrical nanowires,” APL Materials10(8), 081109 (2022).
T. Zhou, M. Cherukara, and C. Phatak, “Differential programming enabled functional imaging with Lorentz transmission electron microscopy,” Npj Computational Materials7(1), 141 (2021).
F. Barrows, H. Arava, C. Zhou, P. Nealey, T. Segal-Peretz, Y. Liu, S. Bakaul, C. Phatak, and A. Petford-Long, “Mesoscale Confinement Effects and Emergent Quantum Interference in Titania Antidot Thin Films,” ACS Nano15(8), 12935–12944 (2021).
X. Xu, Y. Liu, J. Wang, D. Isheim, V.P. Dravid, C. Phatak, and S.M. Haile, “Variability and origins of grain boundary electric potential detected by electron holography and atom-probe tomography,” Nature Materials19(8), 887–893 (2020).
Professional Activities
Symposium organizer and chair at Annual Meeting of the Minerals, Metals and Materials Society, 2018 - 2020.
Programming committee for International Conference on Magnetism, 2018.
Program committee of Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2011, 2016.
Member, Center for Nanoscale Materials User Executive Committee, 2015-2018.
Chair, IEEE Nanotechnology Council Chicago Chapter.