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Valentine Novosad

Senior Materials Scientist/Argonne Distinguished Fellow


Valentine Novosad is a Senior Scientist and Principal Investigator at Argonne’s Materials Science Division. After earning his M.S. (with Honors) from Kharkiv Aviation Institute, Ukraine,  in 1993, he joined Ph.D. program at the Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics & Engineering, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, and Laboratoire de Magnétisme Louis Néel, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Grenoble, France, where he was studying diffraction magneto-optical Kerr effects. He then completed a postdoctoral training at the Department of Materials Science, Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan where he worked on the  geometric confinement effects in ferromagnetic dot arrays. Dr Novosad moved to the U.S. where joined Argonne National Laboratory in 2001, as an assistant scientist at the Materials Science Division. Novosad’s current research interests spans from fundamental studies of magnetic and superconducting films and patterned heterostructures to their practical applications, such as in spintronics, nanomedicine, cosmology, and physics. Since his employment at Argonne Novosad has advised eleven postdoctoral researchers, three visiting scientists, seven graduate and four undergraduate students. He co-authored 280+ papers, six patents, three book chapters and has given over sixty invited talks, including at all major physics and materials science international conferences across USA, Europe, and Asia. He is a co-PI in several major international collaborations, including SPT (South Pole Telescope) and CUPID (Cryogenic Underground Laboratory for Rare Events Upgrade with Particle ID). Valentine Novosad is an elected Fellow of the American Physical Society, Senior IEEE Member and recipient of the University of Chicago Distinguished Performance Award and Medal.



  • 2017 - present: Senior Materials Scientist, Materials Science Division & Physics Division, Argonne.
  • 2005 - 2016: Materials Scientist, Materials Science Division, Argonne.
  • 2001 - 2005: Assistance Materials Scientist, Materials Science Division, Argonne.
  • 1998 - 2001: Postdoctoral scholar and Research Associate; Materials Science & Engineering Department, Tohoku University, Sendai Japan.
  • 1997 - 1998: Junior Researcher, Department of Magnetism, Institute for Low Temperature Physics & Engineering, Kharkiv, Ukraine.
  • 1994 - 1995: Visiting Ph.D. Student, Laboratoire de Magnetisme Louis Néel, CNRS/UJF, Grenoble, France.


  • IEEE Nanotechnology Council,  Industry Advisory Committee, Chair (2021)
  • IEEE Chicago Section,  Advisory Chair, Chair, Vice-Chair (2019-2021)
  • IEEE Magnetics Society, IEEE Chicago Chapter Chair (2018-2020)
  • General Chair, IEEE International Conference Nanomaterials Applications & Properties” (2019-2022).
  • Advisory Committee Member: Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Nuclear Physics (ONP) - strategy for Quantum Information Science (QIS) in the context of Nuclear Physics), and co-Organizer of the workshop on Intersections between Nuclear Physics and Quantum Information”, ANL-NP. Nov. 7-9, 2017.
  • Member of International Scientific Advisory Board: Institute of Electrical Engineering, Slovak Academy of Science, Bratislava, Slovakia (2018-2023).
  • Managing Guest Editor, Journal of Magnetism & Magnetic Materials,  special issue Trends in Novel Magnetic Materials & Spin-related Phenomena at Nanoscale – Selected papers from the 2018 International Conference on Nanomaterials: Applications & Properties”.
  • Book co-Editor: Advances in Thin Films, Nanostructured Materials, and Coatings”, (Springer Nature publisher) – Selected Papers from the 2018 International Conference on Nanomaterials: Applications & Properties’.
  • Program Committee Member or co-Organizer:  5th International Conference of Asian Union of Magnetics Societies (IcAUMS 2018), June 3-7, 2018; Sept. 2018; 61st Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, New Orleans, 2016; Applied Nanotechnology and Nanoscience International Conference, Barcelona, Spain, 2016; Workshop on Frontiers in Superconducting Electronics: from Quantum Computing to Photon Detectors”, Joint APS/CNM Users Meeting, Argonne, IL,  2016,  Moscow International Symposium on Magnetism, Moscow, Russia, 2014; 2013 American Physical Society March Meeting: Focus session on Smart Magnetic Particles: On-chip transport, assembly and biomedical applications”, Baltimore, March 18 - 22, 2013; V Euro-Asian Symposium Trends in MAGnetism”, EASTMAG-2013, Sept. 2013, Vladivostok, Russia; International Magnetics Conference: Focus Session on Superconducting Spintronics”, May 7-11, 2012, Vancouver, Canada; 12th Joint MMM-Intermag Conference, Chicago 2013), 
  • Session chair or co-chair in major international conferences, including: Intermag-2017, (Session CQ: Frustrated Magnets and Emerging Topics), Dublin, Ireland, April 24-28, 2017; International Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, (Session DS: Soft Magnetic Materials II), Oct. 31- Nov. 4, 2016, New Orleans, Louisiana. MRS Spring Meeting - Symposium Q: Externally Actuated Responsive Nanomaterials─Design, Synthesis, Applications and Challenges, San Francisco, CA, April 6-10, 2015. The 3rd International Conference of Asian Union of Magnetics Societies (IcAUMS), Haikou, China, Oct. 28 - Nov. 2, 2014; American Physical Society Annual Meeting (Focus Session on Smart Magnetic Particles: On-chip transport, assembly and biological applications”), Baltimore, Mar., 2013; American Physical Society Meeting, (Focus session on Magnetic Nanostructures), Dallas, TX, Mar. 2011; Moscow International Symposium on Magnetism (Session on Bio-nanomagnetism), Moscow, Russia, Aug. 2011; International Symposium on Integrated Functionalities, ISIF-2010, (Session on Ferroelectrics and Spintronics:  Theory & experiments) , San Juan, Puerto-Rico, June 2010;  55th International Conference on Magnetism & Magnetic Materials (Session on Patterned Films), Atlanta, GA, Nov. 2010; 11th Joint MMM-Intermag Conference (Session on Vortex Dynamics), Jan. 2010, Washington, DC; Austin, TX; APS March Meeting, (Focus Session: Magnetic Nanostructures: Domain Walls, Reversal, Oscillators) , Mar 2009; Pittsburgh, PA;  International Applied Superconductivity Conference (Session on Novel Devices and Applications), Aug. 2008, Chicago, IL;  53rd  Annual Conference on Magnetism & Magnetic Materials (Session on Magnetic Fluids and Separation ), Nov. 2008, Int.  MMM / Intermag Conf. (Session on Nanoparticles), Jan. 2007, Baltimore; 52nd Annual Conference on Magnetism & Magnetic Materials (Session on Magnetic Microscopy and Imaging), Nov.  2007, Tampa, FL;  Int. Magnetism & Magn. Materials Conference (Session on Magnetic Domains Imaging), Nov. 2007, Tampa, FL; Int. Conf. on Magnetism (Session on Artificial Structures), Aug. 2006, Kyoto, Japan.
  • Reviewer:  JSC National Centre of Science and Technology Evaluation”, Ministry of Education and Science, Republic of Kazakhstan;U. S. Department of Energy - Small Business Innovation Research and Small Business Technology Transfer programs (2007, 2008, 2009), Basic Energy Sciences Proposals - (2014);. National Science Foundation, Magnetism Panel Member (2014); Invited PhD Thesis Examiner (area of expertise: superconductivity and magnetism), Temple University, (2015); External PhD Thesis Examiner (area of expertise: nanomagnetics for biomedicine), Indian Institute of Technology (2013); NSF - Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) proposals (2010, 2013, 2014); The New Eurasia Foundation (2013); Helmholtz Association of German Research Centers (“Helmholtz Postdoc Program”, 2013;Chilean Research Council (FONDECYT) projects (2003, 2004), US Civilian Research & Development Foundation (CRDF) (2004-2006), NIST Proposals (2004).
  • Referee:  Nature Physics, Nature Communications, NPG Asia Materials, Nature Scientific Reports, Physical Review Letters, Journal for Chemistry and Physics of Solids, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Journal of Applied Physics, Applied Physics Letters, Nanoletters, Physical Review B, Journal of Nanotechnology.
  • Member of South Pole Telescope collaboration (2009- present).
  • Member of CUPID Collaboration (2015- present).

Postdoctoral / Students Advisees

  • Postdocs: Kristen Buchanan (Colorado State, CO), Gensheng Wang (Argonne National Laboratory, IL ), Aaron Datesman (NASA, DC), Dong-Hyun Kim (Northwestern University, IL), Shikha Jain (Hitachi Global Storage Technologies, CA); Elina Vitol (Ecolab, IL), Philip Gach (Sandia National Laboratories, CA); Chrystian M. Posada (Univ. Chicago), Trupti Khaire (Innovative Micro Technology, CA), Junjia Ding (Google), Sergi Lendinez (Univ. Dalaware).
  • Visiting Scientists:  Toshiyuki Shima (Tohoku Univ. Sendai, Japan, 2006), Volodymyr Yefremenko (Inst. Low Temp. Physics, Ukraine, 2004), Galyna Shustakova (UofC / Inst. Low Temp. Physics, 2007/2008), Eduard Gordiyenko (Inst. Low Temp. Physics, Ukraine, 2007), Vitalii Pishko (Inst. Low Temp. Physics, Ukraine, 2005), Kostyantyn Guslienko (Seagate Research, 2008-2009).
  • PhD students:  Pierre E. Roy (Uppsala University - Sweden, 2005), Yu Hiratsuchi (Osaka Univ., Japan, 2008), Tom Downes (University of Chicago, 2009), Yoshinori Tamada (Kyoto University, 2010), Sergi Lendínez (University of Barcelona, 2013), Maxim Nikitin (Moscow Inst. Inst. of Physics & Technology, 2013), Steve Moore (Temple Univ., 2013);
  • Undergrad. research students: Jean Darrouzet (Paris Univ., France, 2003), Jannifer Vavra (UofC, 2006), Justin Alaboson (State Univ. Missouri, 2006), John Wang (Alfred University, New York, 2008), Jonathan Church (2008), Danilla Colosi-Carrano (Northen Illinois University, 2008),  Pavel Karavaev (Pen. State University, 2009), Brian Flores (Univ. California, 2013), Sam Cyocis (Drexel Univ., 2014/15), Alexandra Karapetrov (Pomona College, 2014), Renae Gannon (Univ. Drexel, 2015/16), Tomas Polakovic (Univ. Drexel, 2016/18), ZhiZhi Znang (China, 2017/2018).
  • High school teachers:  Stacy Morganroth-Lapham (Hartwell School, Cincinnati Public Schools), and David Ashekenaz (Bronzeville Academic Center YCCS, Palatine, IL), 2010 summer research training funded by DOE-DEP.

Honors & Awards

  • 2020: Antarctica Service Medal, citation : In recognition of valuable contributions to exploration and scientific achievement under the United States Antarctic Program”.
  • 2017:Argonne National Laboratory’s Physical Sciences & Engineering Excellence Award”, citation: In recognition of outstanding scientific and technical contributions to the success of the SPT-3G project”.
  • 2015: Argonne National Laboratory - High Energy Physics Division Pacesetter Award, citation:  For excellence in achievements and performance which is truly surpasses normal job expectations”.
  • 2014: Elected IEEE Senior Member
  • 2013: Elected Fellow of American Physical Society, citation: For creative contributions to the fundamental understanding of the physics of nanomagnets, emphasizing magnetization reversal mechanisms, coupling effects, and dynamics of geometrically confined spin vortices”.
  • 2013: Distinguished Performance Award & Medal, UChicago Argonne LLC and University of Chicago, citation: In recognition of pioneering interdisciplinary cancer treatment research via bio-functionalized vortex structures”.
  • 1998: Post-doctoral Fellowship of Japanese Ministry of Education.
  • 1996: Best PhD Student Award, International Science Soros Foundation.
  • 1996: Research Scholarship of French Ministry of Education.
  • 1994: Scholarship of CNRS (France): PhD Training by Research”.

Select Research & News Highlights:

Select Invited Talks at International Conferences

  • IEEE International Conference on Nanotechnology (IEEE NANO-2024), Jeju, Korea, July 2-5, 2023
  • IEEE International Magnetics Conference (Intermag-2023), Sendai, Japan, May 15-19, 2023
  • International Workshop on Vortex Matter in Superconductors, May 27th - June 4th, 2021 (online, hosted by ITT Kanpur, India).
  • International Congress on Advanced Materials Sciences and Engineering, July 22-24, 2019, Osaka, Japan.
  • IEEE International Magnetic Conference (Intermag-2018), Singapore, Apr. 22-27, 2018.
  • International Conference on Superconductivity and Magnetism - ICSM2018, Antalya, Turkey April 29-May 4, 2018.
  • International Symposium on Magnetic Materials and Applications (ISAMMA-2017), Vietnam, Phu Quoc, Dec. 10-13, 2017.
  • IEEE International Conference Nanomaterials: Application and Properties” (NAP-2017), Plenary Talk, Sept. 10-15, 2017, Zatoka, Ukraine.
  • International Frontier Forum on Nanoscience, Dubrovnik, Croatia, May 4-7th , 2017
  • IEEE International Conference Nanomaterials: Application and Properties” (NAP-2016), Sept. 14-19, 2016. Lviv, Ukraine.
  • Magnetic North V: Magnetism at Surfaces, Interfaces and in Nanostructures, International Workshop, June 26-30, 2016. Colorado Springs, CO, USA.
  • Materials Research Society Spring Meeting - Symposium BBB: Magnetic Materials: From Fundamentals to Applications, March 28-April 1, 2016, Phoenix, AZ, USA.
  • Materials Research Society Spring Meeting - Symposium Q: Externally Actuated Responsive Nanomaterials - Design, Synthesis, Applications and Challenges, April 6-10, 2015, San Francisco, CA, USA.
  • The 3rd International Conference of Asian Union of Magnetics Societies (IcAUMS), Oct. 28 - Nov. 2, 2014, Haikou, China.
  • DPG Frühjahrstagung (Spring Meeting of German Phys. Society), March 2014, Dresden, Germany.
  • Euro-Asian Symposium «Trends in MAGnetism»: Nanomagnetism (EASTMAG-2013), September 2013, Vladivostok, Russia.
  • 12th Joint Magnetism & Magnetism Materials – Int. Magnetics Conf., Jan. 14 - 18, 2013, Chicago, IL, USA.
  • International Magnetics Conference: Intermag, May 2012, Vancouver, Canada.
  • International Conference on Nanoscience and Technology, ICONSAT-2012, Jan. 20-23, 2012, Hyderabad, India.
  • Spin Master Voice workshop Challenges and opportunities of Spin-Transfer Nano-Oscillators”, Dec 14-16, 2011, Villiers-le-Mahieu, France. 
  • Moscow International Symposium on Magnetism, Aug. 21- 25, 2011, Moscow Russia.
  • International Workshop on Magnonics: MAGNONICS 2011, Aug. 7-10, 2011, Recife, Brazil.
  • American Physical Society Meeting, March 23, 2011, Dallas, TX, USA.
  • Int. Symposium on Integrated Functionalities, , June 13-16, 2010, San Juan, Puerto-Rico.
  • International Conference on Magnetism & Magn. Materials, Nov. 14-18, 2010, Atlanta, GA.
  • International Conference on Magnetic Multilayers, Sept. 2010, Berkeley, CA, USA.
  • International Conference Trends in Nanotechnology”, Sept. 2010, Braga, Portugal.
  • Int. Symp. on Advanced Magn. Materials and Applications, July 12-16, 2010,Sendai, Japan.
  • 3rd International Symposium on The Dynamics of Magnetic Vortices,; Nov. 29, 2009 - Dec. 2, 2009, Hamburg, Germany.
  • Magnonics: From Fundamentals to Applications -International Seminar and Workshop,  August 02 - 29, 2009, Dresden, Germany.
  • 10th Joint Magn. & Magn. Materials -  Intermag Conference, Jan. 2007, Baltimore, MD, USA.
  • Int. Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, , 5-9 Nov. 2007, Tampa, FL, USA.
  • NWU/ANL Midwest Workshop on Quantum Transport and Magnetics, Mar 27-28, 2006,   Evanston, IL, USA.
  • 19th Int. Colloquium on Magnetic Films and Surfaces, Aug 15-18, 2006, Sendai, Japan.
  • International Conference on Magnetism, Aug 20-25, 2006, Kyoto, Japan.
  • Spin Currents Workshop, Mar 17-19, 2006,  San Jose, CA, USA.
  • 53rd Midwest Solid State Physics Conference, October 6-8, 2006, Kansas City, MO, USA.
  • International Symposium on Magnetism, June 25-30, 2005, Moscow, Russia.
  • Annual American Physical Society Meeting, March 3-7, 2003, Austin, TX, USA.


  • Method of making thin films”, U.S. Patent Application No. 16/274,202 (pending), Polakovic & Novosad.
  • Ferromagnetic particles as ultra-sensitive non-linear response labels for magnetic particles imaging (MPI) and sensing applications”, Novosad, Rozhkova, Nikitin, & Nikitin, US Patent 10,901,051, 2021.
  • Dynamic control of spin states in interacting magnetic elements”, Jain & Novosad, US Patent 8,854,871, 2014.
  • Method for the detection of a magnetic field utilizing a magnetic vortex”, Novosad & Buchanan, US Patent 7,697,243, (2010).
  •  Improved Method for Detection and Imaging in a Broad Spectral Range,” Yefremenko, Gordiyenko, Pishko & Novosad, US Patent 7,274,019, (2007).
  • Writing method for non-volatile memory, and non-volatile memory cell,” Shimada, Novosad, Otani, Fukamichi, & Kitakami, US Patent  6,339,543 B1, (2002).

Publications (Google Scholar  h-index: 60; 13,200+ citations)

  • Z. Jiang, J. Lim, Y. Li, W. Pfaff, T.-H. Lo, J. Qian, A. Schleife, J.-M. Zuo, V. Novosad, A. Hoffmann, Integrating magnons for quantum information”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 123, 130501 (2023).
  • Y. Li, T.-H. Lo, J. Lim, J. E. Pearson, R. Divan, W. Zhang, U. Welp, W. K. Kwok, A. Hoffmann, V. Novosad, Unidirectional microwave transduction with chirality selected short-wavelength magnon excitations.” Appl. Phys. Lett. 123, 022406 (2023).
  • T. Draher, T. Polakovic, J. Li, Y. Li, U. Welp, J. S. Jiang, J. Pearson, W. Armstrong, Z. E. Meziani, C. Chang, W. K. Kwok, Z. L. Xiao, V. Novosad. Ion-beam assisted sputtering of titanium nitride thin films.” Scientific Reports, 13(1), 6315 (2023).
  • L. Balkenhol et al. (SPT-3G Collaboration), Measurement of the CMB temperature power spectrum and constraints on cosmology from the SPT-3G 2018 TT, TE, and EE dataset.” Phys. Rev. D 108, 023510 (2023).
  • K. Alfonso et al (CUPID collaboration), A first test of CUPID prototypal light detectors with NTD-Ge sensors in a pulse-tube cryostat.” J. Instrumentation, 18 P06033, 2023.
  • K. Alfonso et al (CUPID collaboration), Twelve-crystal prototype of Li2MoO4 scintillating bolometers for CUPID and CROSS experiments.” J. Instrumentation, 18 P06018, 2023.
  • M. Lisovenko, Z. Pan, P. S. Barry, T. Ceci, C. L. Chang, K. R. Dibert, R. Gualtieri, J. Li, V. Novosad, G. Wang, V. Yefremenko, Low-Loss Si-Based Dielectrics for High Frequency Components of Superconducting Detectors.” IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 33(5), 2023.
  • Z. Pan, P. S. Barry, T. Cecil, C. Albert, A. N. Bender, C. L. Chang, R. Gualtieri, J. Hood, J. Li, J. Zhang, M. Lisovenko, V. Novosad, G. Wang, V. Yefremenko, Measurement of Dielectric Loss in Silicon Nitride at Centimeter and Millimeter Wavelengths.” IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 33(5), 2023.
  • J. C. Hood II et al (SPT Collaboration), Simultaneous Millimeter-wave, Gamma-Ray, and Optical Monitoring of the Blazar PKS 2326-502 during a Flaring State.” The Astrophysical Journal Letters,945(2), 2023.
  • Z. Pan, K. R. Dibert, J. Zhang, P. S. Barry, A. J. Anderson, A. N. Bender, B. A. Benson, T. Cecil, C. L. Chang, R. Gualtieri, J. Li, M. Lisovenko, V. Novosad, M. Rouble, G. Wang, V. Yefremenko, Noise Optimization for MKIDs With Different Design Geometries and Material Selections.” IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 33(5), 2023.
  • G. Wang, P. S. Barry, T. Cecil, C. L. Chang, J. Li, M. Lisovenko, V. Novosad, Z. Pan, V. G. Yefremenko, J. Zhang, Electromagnetic Properties of Aluminum-Based Bilayers for Kinetic Inductance Detectors.” IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 33(5), 2023.
  • J. Zhang, G. Benato, C. L. Chang, B. K. Fujikawa, G. Karapetrov, Yu. G. Kolomensky, W.-K. Kwok, M. Lisovenko, L. Marini, V. Novosad, J. Pearson, B. Schmidt, V. Singh, S. Wagaarachchi, G. Wang, B. Welliver, U. Welp, V. G. Yefremenko, Characterization of the Thermal Properties of Ir/Pt Bilayer Transition Edge Sensors.” Journal of Low Temperature Physics 210(1-2), 194, (2023).
  • Y. Li, J.-C. Qian, Z.-H. Jiang, T.-H. Lo, D. Ding, T. Draher, T. Polakovic, W. Pfaff, A. Schleife, J.-M. Zuo, W.-K. Kwok, V. Novosad, A. Hoffmann, Hybrid-Magnon Quantum Devices: Strategies and Approaches,” in 2022 International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM), San Francisco, CA, USA, 2022, pp. 14.6.1-14.6.4, doi: 10.1109/IEDM45625.2022.10019460.
  • M. Lisovenko, Z. Pan, P. S. Barry, T. Cecil, C. L. Chang, J. Hood, J. Li, V. Novosad, G. Wang, V. Yefremenko, Characterization of the Superconducting Microwave Properties of Aluminum Manganese,” Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 209, 1158–1164, (2022).
  • G. Wang, C. L. Chang, M. Lisovenko, V. Novosad, V. G. Yefremenko, J. Zhang, Light dark matter detection with hydrogen-rich targets and low-T c TES detectors,” Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 209(3-4), pp. 379-388, (2022).
  • Sobrin, J. A.; et al, (SPT Collaboration), The Design and Integrated Performance of SPT-3G. Astrophys J Suppl S 2022, 258 (2).
  • Li, Y.;  Yefremenko, V. G.;  Lisovenko, M.;  Trevillian, C.;  Polakovic, T.;  Cecil, T. W.;  Barry, P. S.;  Pearson, J.;  Divan, R.;  Tyberkevych, V.;  Chang, C. L.;  Welp, U.;  Kwok, W. K.; Novosad, V., Coherent Coupling of Two Remote Magnonic Resonators Mediated by Superconducting Circuits. Phys Rev Lett., 2022, 128 (4).
  • Abazajian, K.;  et al, (SPT Collaboration), CMB-S4: Forecasting Constraints on Primordial Gravitational Waves. Astrophys J 2022, 926 (1).
  • Li, Y.;  Zhao, C. B.;  Zhang, W.;  Hoffmann, A.; Novosad, V., Advances in coherent coupling between magnons and acoustic phonons. Apl Mater 2021, 9 (6).
  • Zhao, C. B.;  Zhang, Z. Z.;  Li, Y.;  Zhang, W.;  Pearson, J. E.;  Divan, R.;  Liu, Q. F.;  Novosad, V.;  Wang, J. B.; Hoffmann, A., Direct Imaging of Resonant Phonon-Magnon Coupling. Phys Rev Appl 2021, 15 (1).
  • Xiong, Y. Z.;  Li, Y.;  Bidthanapally, R.;  Sklenar, J.;  Hammami, M.;  Hall, S.;  Zhang, X. F.;  Li, P.;  Pearson, J. E.;  Sebastian, T.;  Srinivasan, G.;  Hoffmann, A.;  Qu, H. W.;  Novosad, V.; Zhang, W., Detecting Phase-Resolved Magnetization Dynamics by Magneto-Optic Effects at 1550 nm Wavelength. Ieee T Magn 2021, 57 (2).
  • Rosenberg, R. A.;  Rozhkova, E. A.; Novosad, V., Investigations into Spin- and Unpolarized Secondary Electron-Induced Reactions in Self-Assembled Monolayers of Cysteine. Langmuir 2021, 37 (9), 2985-2992.
  • Reichardt, C. L et al, (SPT Collaboration), An Improved Measurement of the Secondary Cosmic Microwave Background Anisotropies from the SPT-SZ plus SPTpol Surveys. Astrophys J 2021, 908 (2).
  • Millea, M.;  et al, (SPT Collaboration), Optimal Cosmic Microwave Background Lensing Reconstruction and Parameter Estimation with SPTpol Data. Astrophys J 2021, 922 (2).
  • Li, Y.;  Zhao, C. B.;  Amin, V. P.;  Zhang, Z. Z.;  Vogel, M.;  Xiong, Y. Z.;  Sklenar, J.;  Divan, R.;  Pearson, J.;  Stiles, M. D.;  Zhang, W.;  Hoffmann, A.; Novosad, V., Phase-resolved electrical detection of coherently coupled magnonic devices. Appl Phys Lett 2021, 118 (20).
  • Lendinez, S.;  Pearson, J. E.;  Hoffmann, A.;  Novosad, V.; Jungfleisch, M. B., Temperature-dependent collective magnetization reversal in a network of ferromagnetic nanowires. Aip Adv 2021, 11 (2).
  • Guns, S et al, (SPT Collaboration), Detection of Galactic and Extragalactic Millimeter-wavelength Transient Sources with SPT-3G. Astrophys J 2021, 916 (2).
  • Dutcher, D.;  et al, (SPT Collaboration),  Measurements of the E-mode polarization and temperature-E-mode correlation of the CMB from SPT-3G 2018 data. Phys Rev D 2021, 104 (2).
  • Cecil, T.;  Barry, P.;  Bender, A.;  Chang, C.;  Czaplewski, D.;  Hood, J.;  Kuhlmann, S.;  Lisovenko, M.;  Meyer, S.;  Novosad, V.;  Wang, G. S.;  Yefremenko, V.; Zhang, J. J., OMT-Coupled CMB Detector Development at Argonne. Ieee T Appl Supercon 2021, 31 (5).
  • Balkenhol, L.;  et al, (SPT Collaboration), Constraints on Lambda CDM extensions from the SPT-3G 2018 EE and TE power spectra. Phys Rev D 2021, 104 (8).
  • Armatol, A.;  et al, (CUPID Collaboration), Characterization of cubic Li2MoO4 crystals for the CUPID experiment. Eur Phys J C 2021, 81 (2).
  • Armatol, A.;  et al, (CUPID Collaboration), Novel technique for the study of pileup events in cryogenic bolometers. Phys Rev C 2021, 104 (1).
  • Armatol, A.; et al, (CUPID Collaboration), A CUPID (Li2MoO4)-Mo-100 scintillating bolometer tested in the CROSS underground facility. J Instrum 2021, 16 (2).
  • Ade, P. A. R.;  et al, (SPT Collaboration), A demonstration of improved constraints on primordial gravitational waves with delensing. Phys Rev D 2021, 103 (2).
  • Xiong, Y. Z.;  Zhang, Z. Z.;  Li, Y.;  Hammami, M.;  Sklenar, J.;  Alahmed, L.;  Li, P.;  Sebastian, T.;  Qu, H. W.;  Hoffmann, A.;  Novosad, V.; Zhang, W., Experimental parameters, combined dynamics, and nonlinearity of a magnonic-opto-electronic oscillator (MOEO). Rev Sci Instrum 2020, 91 (12).
  • Liu, Y.;  Zhou, P.;  Fu, J.;  Iyengar, M.;  Liu, N.;  Du, P.;  Xiong, Y.;  Moiseienko, V.;  Zhang, W.;  Zhang, J.;  Ma, Z.;  Qi, Y.;  Novosad, V.;  Zhou, T.;  Filippov, D.;  Zhang, T.;  Page, M. E.; Srinivasan, G., Strain-mediated magneto-electric interactions in hexagonal ferrite and ferroelectric coaxial nanofibers (vol 10, pg 230, 2020). Mrs Commun 2020, 10 (4), 703-703.
  • Li, Y.;  Zhang, W.;  Tyberkevych, V.;  Kwok, W. K.;  Hoffmann, A.; Novosad, V., Hybrid magnonics: Physics, circuits, and applications for coherent information processing. J Appl Phys 2020, 128 (13).
  • Hennings-Yeomans, R.;  Chang, C. L.;  Ding, J.;  Drobizhev, A.;  Fujikawa, B. K.;  Han, S.;  Karapetrov, G.;  Kolomensky, Y. G.;  Novosad, V.;  O’Donnell, T.;  Ouellet, J. L.;  Pearson, J.;  Polakovic, T.;  Reggio, D.;  Schmidt, B.;  Sheff, B.;  Singh, V.;  Smith, R. J.;  Wang, G.;  Welliver, B.;  Yefremenko, V. G.; Zhang, J., Controlling T-c of iridium films using the proximity effect. J Appl Phys 2020, 128 (15).
  • Bianchini, F et al, (SPT Collaboration),  Searching for anisotropic cosmic birefringence with polarization data from SPTpol. Phys Rev D 2020, 102 (8).
  • Xiong, Y. Z.;  Li, Y.;  Hammami, M.;  Bidthanapally, R.;  Sklenar, J.;  Zhang, X. F.;  Qu, H. W.;  Srinivasan, G.;  Pearson, J.;  Hoffmann, A.;  Novosad, V.; Zhang, W., Probing magnon-magnon coupling in exchange coupled Y3Fe5O12/Permalloy bilayers with magneto-optical effects. Sci Rep-Uk 2020, 10 (1).
  • Lendinez, S.;  Polakovic, T.;  Ding, J. J.;  Jungfleisch, M. B.;  Pearson, J.;  Hoffmann, A.; Novosad, V., Temperature-dependent anisotropic magnetoresistance and spin-torque-driven vortex dynamics in a single microdisk. J Appl Phys 2020, 127 (24).
  • Sayre, J. T.;  et al, (SPT Collaboration), Measurements of B-mode polarization of the cosmic microwave background from 500 square degrees of SPTpol data. Phys Rev D 2020, 101 (12).
  • Liu, Y.;  Zhou, P.;  Fu, J.;  Iyengar, M.;  Liu, N.;  Du, P.;  Xiong, Y.;  Moiseienko, V.;  Zhang, W.;  Zhang, J.;  Ma, Z.;  Qi, Y.;  Novosad, V.;  Zhou, T.;  Filippov, D.;  Zhang, T.;  Page, M. E.; Srinivasan, G., Strain-mediated magneto-electric interactions in hexagonal ferrite and ferroelectric coaxial nanofibers. Mrs Commun 2020, 10 (2), 230-241.
  • Polakovic, T.;  Armstrong, W.;  Karapetrov, G.;  Meziani, Z. E.; Novosad, V., Unconventional Applications of Superconducting Nanowire Single Photon Detectors. Nanomaterials-Basel 2020, 10 (6).
  • Zhao, C. B.;  Li, Y.;  Zhang, Z. Z.;  Vogel, M.;  Pearson, J. E.;  Wang, J. B.;  Zhang, W.;  Novosad, V.;  Liu, Q. F.; Hoffmann, A., Phonon Transport Controlled by Ferromagnetic Resonance. Phys Rev Appl 2020, 13 (5).
  • Polakovic, T.;  Armstrong, W. R.;  Yefremenko, V.;  Pearson, J. E.;  Hafidi, K.;  Karapetrov, G.;  Meziani, Z. E.; Novosad, V., Superconducting nanowires as high-rate photon detectors in strong magnetic fields. Nucl Instrum Meth A 2020, 959.
  • Nadolski, A.;  et al, (SPT Collaboration), Broadband, millimeter-wave antireflection coatings for large-format, cryogenic aluminum oxide optics. Appl Optics 2020, 59 (10), 3285-3295.
  • Yefremenko, V.;  Zhang, J.;  Lisovenko, M.;  Barry, P.;  Bender, A.;  Cecil, T.;  Chang, C.;  Divan, R.;  Kuhlmann, S.;  Lowitz, A.;  Novosad, V.;  Padin, S.;  Pearson, J.; Wang, G., Synthesis and Characterization of Mo-Nb Films Superconducting at 100-200 mK. J Low Temp Phys 2020, 199 (1-2), 306-311.
  • Wang, G.;  Chang, C. L.;  Lisovenko, M.;  Novosad, V.;  Pearson, J.;  Yefremenko, V. G.; Zhang, J., Modeling Low-T-C Transition-Edge Sensors Made of NS Bilayers: The Specific Interface Resistance. J Low Temp Phys 2020, 200 (5-6), 220-225.
  • Anderson, A. J.; et al, (SPT Collaboration), Performance of Al-Mn Transition-Edge Sensor Bolometers in SPT-3G. J Low Temp Phys 2020, 199 (1-2), 320-329.
  • Bender, A. N.;  et al, (SPT Collaboration)„ On-Sky Performance of the SPT-3G Frequency-Domain Multiplexed Readout. J Low Temp Phys 2020, 199 (1-2), 182-191.
  • Li, Y.;  Cao, W.;  Amin, V. P.;  Zhang, Z. Z.;  Gibbons, J.;  Sklenar, J.;  Pearson, J.;  Haney, P. M.;  Stiles, M. D.;  Bailey, W. E.;  Novosad, V.;  Hoffmann, A.; Zhang, W., Coherent Spin Pumping in a Strongly Coupled Magnon-Magnon Hybrid System. Phys Rev Lett 2020, 124 (11).
  • Huang, N.;  et al, (SPT Collaboration), Galaxy Clusters Selected via the Sunyaev-Zel’dovich Effect in the SPTpol 100-square-degree Survey. Astron J 2020, 159 (3).
  • Bleem, L. E.;  et al, (SPT Collaboration),  The SPTpol Extended Cluster Survey. Astrophys J Suppl S 2020, 247 (1).
  • Holanda, J.;  Saglam, H.;  Karakas, V.;  Zang, Z. Z.;  Li, Y.;  Divan, R.;  Liu, Y. Z.;  Ozatay, O.;  Novosad, V.;  Pearson, J. E.; Hoffmann, A., Magnetic Damping Modulation in IrMn3/Ni80Fe20 via the Magnetic Spin Hall Effect. Phys Rev Lett 2020, 124 (8).
  • Lowitz, A. E.;  Bender, A. N.;  Barry, P.;  Cecil, T. W.;  Chang, C. L.;  Divan, R.;  Dobbs, M. A.;  Gilbert, A. J.;  Kuhlmann, S. E.;  Lisovenko, M.;  Montgomery, J.;  Novosad, V.;  Padin, S.;  Pearson, J. E.;  Wang, G.;  Yefremenko, V.; Zhang, J., Performance of a Low-Parasitic Frequency-Domain Multiplexing Readout. J Low Temp Phys 2020, 199 (1-2), 192-199.
  • Bianchini, F.;  et al, (SPT Collaboration), Constraints on Cosmological Parameters from the 500 deg(2) SPTPOL Lensing Power Spectrum. Astrophys J 2020, 888 (2).
  • Zhang, Z. Z.;  Vogel, M.;  Holanda, J.;  Jungfleisch, M. B.;  Liu, C. J.;  Li, Y.;  Pearson, J. E.;  Divan, R.;  Zhang, W.;  Hoffmann, A.;  Nie, Y.; Novosad, V., Spin-wave frequency division multiplexing in an yttrium iron garnet microstripe magnetized by inhomogeneous field. Appl Phys Lett 2019, 115 (23).
  • Gupta, N.;  et al, (SPT Collaboration), Fractional polarization of extragalactic sources in the 500 deg(2) SPTpol survey. Mon Not R Astron Soc 2019, 490 (4), 5712-5721.
  • Zhang, Z. Z.;  Vogel, M.;  Jungfleisch, M. B.;  Hoffmann, A.;  Nie, Y.; Novosad, V., Tuning edge-localized spin waves in magnetic microstripes by proximate magnetic structures. Phys Rev B 2019, 100 (17).
  • Raghunathan, S.; et al, (SPT Collaboration), Detection of CMB-Cluster Lensing using Polarization Data from SPTpol. Phys Rev Lett 2019, 123 (18).
  • Wu, W. L. K.;  et al, (SPT Collaboration), A Measurement of the Cosmic Microwave Background Lensing Potential and Power Spectrum from 500 deg(2) of SPTpol Temperature and Polarization Data. Astrophys J 2019, 884 (1).
  • Li, Y.;  Polakovic, T.;  Wang, Y. L.;  Xu, J.;  Lendinez, S.;  Zhang, Z. Z.;  Ding, J. J.;  Khaire, T.;  Saglam, H.;  Divan, R.;  Pearson, J.;  Kwok, W. K.;  Xiao, Z. L.;  Novosad, V.;  Hoffmann, A.; Zhang, W., Strong Coupling between Magnons and Microwave Photons in On-Chip Ferromagnet-Superconductor Thin-Film Devices. Phys Rev Lett 2019, 123 (10).
  • Carter, F. W.;  Khaire, T.;  Chang, C.; Novosad, V., Low-loss single-photon NbN microwave resonators on Si. Appl Phys Lett 2019, 115 (9).
  • Di Giorgio, C.;  Scarfato, A.;  Longobardi, M.;  Bobba, F.;  Iavarone, M.;  Novosad, V.;  Karapetrov, G.; Cucolo, A. M., Quantitative magnetic force microscopy using calibration on superconducting flux quanta. Nanotechnology 2019, 30 (31).
  • Li, P.;  Kally, J.;  Zhang, S. S. L.;  Pillsbury, T.;  Ding, J. J.;  Csaba, G.;  Ding, J. J.;  Jiang, J. S.;  Liu, Y. Z.;  Sinclair, R.;  Bi, C.;  DeMann, A.;  Rimal, G.;  Zhang, W.;  Field, S. B.;  Tang, J. K.;  Wang, W. G.;  Heinonen, O. G.;  Novosad, V.;  Hoffmann, A.;  Samarth, N.; Wu, M. Z., Magnetization switching using topological surface states. Sci Adv 2019, 5 (8).
  • Zhang, Z. Z.;  Vogel, M.;  Holanda, J.;  Ding, J. J.;  Jungfleisch, M. B.;  Li, Y.;  Pearson, J. E.;  Divan, R.;  Zhang, W.;  Hoffmann, A.;  Nie, Y.; Novosad, V., Controlled interconversion of quantized spin wave modes via local magnetic fields. Phys Rev B 2019, 100 (1).
  • Li, Y.;  Saglam, H.;  Zhang, Z. Z.;  Bidthanapally, R.;  Xiong, Y. Z.;  Pearson, J. E.;  Novosad, V.;  Qu, H. W.;  Srinivasan, G.;  Hoffmann, A.; Zhang, W., Simultaneous Optical and Electrical Spin-Torque Magnetometry with Phase-Sensitive Detection of Spin Precession. Phys Rev Appl 2019, 11 (3).
  • Raghunathan, S.;  et al, (SPT Collaboration), Mass Calibration of Optically Selected DES Clusters Using a Measurement of CMB-cluster Lensing with SPTpol Data. Astrophys J 2019, 872 (2).
  • Seredina, M.;  Gavrikov, I.;  Gorshenkov, M.;  Taskaev, S.;  Dyakonov, A.;  Komissarov, A.;  Chatterjee, R.;  Novosad, V.; Khovaylo, V., Magnetic and transport properties of as-prepared Mn2CoGa. J Magn Magn Mater 2019, 470, 55-58.
  • Carter, F. W.;  et al, (SPT Collaboration), Tuning SPT-3G Transition-Edge-Sensor Electrical Properties with a Four-Layer Ti-Au-Ti-Au Thin-Film-Stack. J Low Temp Phys 2018, 193 (5-6), 695-702.
  • Everett, W et al, (SPT Collaboration), Design and Bolometer Characterization of the SPT-3G First-Year Focal Plane. J Low Temp Phys 2018, 193 (5-6), 1085-1093.
  • Yefremenko, V.;  et al, (SPT Collaboration),  Impact of Electrical Contacts Design and Materials on the Stability of Ti Superconducting Transition Shape. J Low Temp Phys 2018, 193 (5-6), 732-738.
  • Ding, J.;  et al, (SPT Collaboration), Thermal Links and Microstrip Transmission Lines in SPT-3G Bolometers. J Low Temp Phys 2018, 193 (5-6), 712-719.
  • Anderson, A. J.;  et al, (SPT Collaboration), SPT-3G: A Multichroic Receiver for the South Pole Telescope. J Low Temp Phys 2018, 193 (5-6), 1057-1065.
  • Posada, C. M.;  et al, (SPT Collaboration), Fabrication of Detector Arrays for the SPT-3G Receiver. J Low Temp Phys 2018, 193 (5-6), 703-711.
  • Pan, Z.;  et al, (SPT Collaboration), Optical Characterization of the SPT-3G Camera. J Low Temp Phys 2018, 193 (3-4), 305-313.
  • Wang, G.;  Chang, C. L.;  Padin, S.;  Carter, F.;  Cecil, T.;  Yefremenko, V. G.; Novosad, V., A Kinetic Inductance Ammeter with Coplanar Waveguide Input Structure for Magnetic Flux Focusing. J Low Temp Phys 2018, 193 (3-4), 134-140.
  • Avva, J. S.;  et al, (SPT Collaboration), Design and Assembly of SPT-3G Cold Readout Hardware. J Low Temp Phys 2018, 193 (3-4), 547-555.
  • Polakovic, T.;  Lendinez, S.;  Pearson, J. E.;  Hoffmann, A.;  Yefremenko, V.;  Chang, C. L.;  Armstrong, W.;  Hafidi, K.;  Karapetrov, G.; Novosad, V., Room temperature deposition of superconducting niobium nitride films by ion beam assisted sputtering. Apl Mater 2018, 6 (7).
  • Nikitin, M. P.;  Orlov, A. V.;  Sokolov, I. L.;  Minakov, A. A.;  Nikitin, P. I.;  Ding, J.;  Bader, S. D.;  Rozhkova, E. A.; Novosad, V., Ultrasensitive detection enabled by nonlinear magnetization of nanomagnetic labels. Nanoscale 2018, 10 (24), 11642-11650.
  • Hu, X. H.;  Lim, B.;  Torati, S. R.;  Ding, J. J.;  Novosad, V.;  Im, M. Y.;  Reddy, V.;  Kim, K.;  Jung, E.;  Shawl, A. I.;  Kim, E.; Kim, C., Autonomous Magnetic Microrobots by Navigating Gates for Multiple Biomolecules Delivery. Small 2018, 14 (25).
  • Omelyanchik, A.;  Levada, E.;  Ding, J. J.;  Lendinez, S.;  Pearson, J.;  Efremova, M.;  Bessalova, V.;  Karpenkov, D.;  Semenova, E.;  Khlusov, I.;  Litvinova, L.;  Abakumov, M.;  Majouga, A.;  Perov, N.;  Novosad, V.; Rodionova, V., Design of Conductive Microwire Systems for Manipulation of Biological Cells. Ieee T Magn 2018, 54 (6).
  • Li, T.;  Li, Y. F.;  Gu, L.;  Ding, J. J.;  Chang, H. C.;  Janantha, P. A. P.;  Kalinikos, B.;  Novosad, V.;  Hoffmann, A.;  Wu, R. Q.;  Chien, C. L.; Wu, M. Z., Nontrivial Nature and Penetration Depth of Topological Surface States in SmB6 Thin Films. Phys Rev Lett 2018, 120 (20).
  • Farooq, M. U.;  Novosad, V.;  Rozhkova, E. A.;  Wali, H.;  Ali, A.;  Fateh, A. A.;  Neogi, P. B.;  Neogi, A.; Wang, Z. M., Gold Nanoparticles-enabled Efficient Dual Delivery of Anticancer Therapeutics to HeLa Cells. Sci Rep-Uk 2018, 8.
  • Henning, J. W.; et al, (SPT Collaboration), Measurements of the Temperature and E-mode Polarization of the CMB from 500 Square Degrees of SPTpol Data. Astrophys J 2018, 852 (2).
  • Novosad, V.;  Kochegarova, L.; Kamalova, A., Efficiency Control of Industrial Enterprises through the Definition and Evaluation of Key Business Processes. Innovation Management and Education Excellence through Vision 2020, Vols I -Xi 2018, 1103-1110.
  • Nadolski, A.; et al, (SPT Collaboration), Broadband anti-reflective coatings for cosmic microwave background experiments. Proc Spie 2018, 10708.
  • Harke-Hosemann, A.;  Bender, A. N.;  Chang, C. L.;  Polakovic, T.; Novosad, V., Investigation of magnetic shielding for superconducting readout. Proc Spie 2018, 10708.
  • Bender, A. N.;  et al, (SPT Collaboration), Year two instrument status of the SPT-3G cosmic microwave background receiver. Proc Spie 2018, 10708.
  • Dutcher, D.;  et al, (SPT Collaboration), Characterization and performance of the second-year SPT-3G focal plane. Proc Spie 2018, 10708.
  • Jungfleisch, M. B.;  Sklenar, J.;  Ding, J. J.;  Park, J.;  Pearson, J. E.;  Novosad, V.;  Schiffer, P.; Hoffmann, A., High-Frequency Dynamics Modulated by Collective Magnetization Reversal in Artificial Spin Ice. Phys Rev Appl 2017, 8 (6).
  • Manzotti, A.;  et al, (SPT Collaboration), CMB Polarization B-mode Delensing with SPTpol and Herschel. Astrophys J 2017, 846 (1).
  • Lapa, P. N.;  Ding, J.;  Phatak, C.;  Pearson, J. E.;  Jiang, J. S.;  Hoffmann, A.; Novosad, V., Magnetic vortex nucleation/annihilation in artificial-ferrimagnet microdisks. J Appl Phys 2017, 122 (8).
  • Lapa, P. N.;  Ding, J. J.;  Pearson, J. E.;  Novosad, V.;  Jiang, J. S.; Hoffmann, A., Magnetization reversal in Py/Gd heterostructures. Phys Rev B 2017, 96 (2).
  • Wang, P.;  Chang, A. Y.;  Novosad, V.;  Chupin, V. V.;  Schaller, R. D.; Rozhkova, E. A., Cell-Free Synthetic Biology Chassis for Nanocatalytic Photon-to-Hydrogen Conversion. Acs Nano 2017, 11 (7), 6739-6745.
  • Wang, G. S.;  Beeman, J.;  Chang, C. L.;  Ding, J. J.;  Drobizhev, A.;  Fujikawa, B. K.;  Han, K.;  Han, S.;  Hennings-Yeomans, R.;  Karapetrov, G.;  Kolomensky, Y. G.;  Novosad, V.;  O’Donnell, T.;  Ouellet, J. L.;  Pearson, J.;  Sheff, B.;  Singh, V.;  Wagaarachchi, S.;  Wallig, J. G.; Yefremenko, V. G., Modeling Iridium-Based Trilayer and Bilayer Transition-Edge Sensors. Ieee T Appl Supercon 2017, 27 (4).
  • Ding, J. J.;  et al, (SPT Collaboration), Optimization of Transition Edge Sensor Arrays for Cosmic Microwave Background Observations With the South Pole Telescope. Ieee T Appl Supercon 2017, 27 (4).
  • Stebliy, M. E.;  Jain, S.;  Kolesnikov, A. G.;  Ognev, A. V.;  Samardak, A. S.;  Davydenko, A. V.;  Sukovatitcina, E. V.;  Chebotkevich, L. A.;  Ding, J.;  Pearson, J.;  Khovaylo, V.; Novosad, V., Vortex dynamics and frequency splitting in vertically coupled nanomagnets. Sci Rep-Uk 2017, 7.
  • Lapa, P. N.;  Roshchin, I. V.;  Ding, J. J.;  Pearson, J. E.;  Novosad, V.;  Jiang, J. S.; Hoffmann, A., Magnetoresistive detection of strongly pinned uncompensated magnetization in antiferromagnetic FeMn. Phys Rev B 2017, 95 (2).
  • Jungfleisch, M. B.;  Ding, J. J.;  Zhang, W.;  Jiang, W. J.;  Pearson, J. E.;  Novosad, V.; Hoffmann, A., Insulating Nanomagnets Driven by Spin Torque. Nano Lett 2017, 17 (1), 8-14.
  • Di Giorgio, C.;  Bobba, F.;  Cucolo, A. M.;  Scarfato, A.;  Moore, S. A.;  Karapetrov, G.;  D’Agostino, D.;  Novosad, V.;  Yefremenko, V.; Iavarone, M., Observation of superconducting vortex clusters in S/F hybrids. Sci Rep-Uk 2016, 6.
  • Whitehorn, N.;  et al, (SPT Collaboration), MILLIMETER TRANSIENT POINT SOURCES IN THE SPTpol 100 SQUARE DEGREE SURVEY. Astrophys J 2016, 830 (2).
  • Ding, J. J.;  Lapa, P.;  Jain, S.;  Khaire, T.;  Lendinez, S.;  Zhang, W.;  Jungfleisch, M. B.;  Posada, C. M.;  Yefremenko, V. G.;  Pearson, J. E.;  Hoffmann, A.; Novosad, V., Spin Vortex Resonance in Non-planar Ferromagnetic Dots. Sci Rep-Uk 2016, 6.
  • Lapa, P. N.;  Khaire, T.;  Ding, J. J.;  Pearson, J. E.;  Novosad, V.;  Hoffmann, A.; Jiang, J. S., Spin valve with non-collinear magnetization configuration imprinted by a static magnetic field. Aip Adv 2016, 6 (5).
  • Ding, J.;  Jain, S.;  Lapa, P. N.;  Khaire, T.;  Lendinez, S.;  Posada, C. M.;  Zhang, W.;  Pearson, J. E.;  Hoffmann, A.; Novosad, V., Gyrotropic frequency control in ferromagnetic dots using a nanoscale vortex barrier. Aip Adv 2016, 6 (5).
  • Jungfleisch, M. B.;  Zhang, W.;  Iacocca, E.;  Sklenar, J.;  Ding, J.;  Jiang, W.;  Zhang, S.;  Pearson, J. E.;  Novosad, V.;  Ketterson, J. B.;  Heinonen, O.; Hoffmann, A., Dynamic response of an artificial square spin ice. Phys Rev B 2016, 93 (10).
  • Jungfleisch, M. B.;  Zhang, W.;  Sklenar, J.;  Ding, J.;  Jiang, W.;  Chang, H.;  Fradin, F. Y.;  Pearson, J. E.;  Ketterson, J. B.;  Novosad, V.;  Wu, M.; Hoffmann, A., Large Spin-Wave Bullet in a Ferrimagnetic Insulator Driven by the Spin Hall Effect. Phys Rev Lett 2016, 116 (5).
  • Moore, S. A.;  Plummer, G.;  Fedor, J.;  Pearson, J. E.;  Novosad, V.;  Karapetrov, G.; Iavarone, M., Doppler-scanning tunneling microscopy current imaging in superconductor-ferromagnet hybrids. Appl Phys Lett 2016, 108 (4).
  • Posada, C. M.;  et al, (SPT Collaboration), Large arrays of dual-polarized multichroic TES detectors for CMB measurements with the SPT-3G receiver. Proc Spie 2016, 9914.
  • Li, S. Z.;  Zhang, W.;  Ding, J. J.;  Pearson, J. E.;  Novosad, V.; Hoffmann, A., Epitaxial patterning of nanometer-thick Y3Fe5O12 films with low magnetic damping. Nanoscale 2016, 8 (1), 388-394.
  • Story, et al, (SPT Collaboration), Measurement of the Cosmic Microwave Background Gravitational Lensing Potential from 100 Square Degrees of Sptpol Data. Astrophys J 2015, 810 (1).
  • Posada, C. M.;  Ade, P. A. R.;  Ahmed, Z.;  Arnold, K.;  Austermann, J. E.;  Bender, A. N.;  Bleem, L. E.;  Benson, B. A.;  Byrum, K.;  Carlstrom, J. E.;  Chang, C. L.;  Cho, H. M.;  Ciocys, S. T.;  Cliche, J. F.;  Crawford, T. M.;  Cukierman, A.;  Czaplewski, D.;  Ding, J.;  Divan, R.;  de Haan, T.;  Dobbs, M. A.;  Dutcher, D.;  Everett, W.;  Gilbert, A.;  Halverson, N. W.;  Harrington, N. L.;  Hattori, K.;  Henning, J. W.;  Hilton, G. C.;  Holzapfel, W. L.;  Hubmayr, J.;  Irwin, K. D.;  Jeong, O.;  Keisler, R.;  Kubik, D.;  Kuo, C. L.;  Lee, A. T.;  Leitch, E. M.;  Lendinez, S.;  Meyer, S. S.;  Miller, C. S.;  Montgomery, J.;  Myers, M.;  Nadolski, A.;  Natoli, T.;  Nguyen, H.;  Novosad, V.;  Padin, S.;  Pan, Z.;  Pearson, J.;  Ruhl, J. E.;  Saliwanchik, B. R.;  Smecher, G.;  Sayre, J. T.;  Shirokoff, E.;  Stan, L.;  Stark, A. A.;  Sobrin, J.;  Story, K.;  Suzuki, A.;  Thompson, K. L.;  Tucker, C.;  Vanderlinde, K.;  Vieira, J. D.;  Wang, G.;  Whitehorn, N.;  Yefremenko, V.;  Yoon, K. W.; Ziegler, K. E., Fabrication of large dual-polarized multichroic TES bolometer arrays for CMB measurements with the SPT-3G camera. Supercond Sci Tech 2015, 28 (9).
  • Keisler, R.; et al, (SPT Collaboration), Measurements of Sub-Degree B-Mode Polarization in the Cosmic Microwave Background from 100 Square Degrees of Sptpol Data. Astrophys J 2015, 807 (2).
  • Chang, C. L.;  et al, (SPT Collaboration), Low Loss Superconducting Microstrip Development at Argonne National Lab. Ieee T Appl Supercon 2015, 25 (3).
  • Wang, G.;  Chang, C. L.;  Yafremenko, V.;  Novosad, V.;  Pearson, J.;  Divan, R.; Carlstrom, J. E., Mo/Au Bilayer TES Resistive Transition Engineering. Ieee T Appl Supercon 2015, 25 (3).
  • Crites, A. T.;  et al, (SPT Collaboration), Measurements of E-Mode Polarization and Temperature-E-Mode Correlation in the Cosmic Microwave Background from 100 Square Degrees of Sptpol Data. Astrophys J 2015, 805 (1).
  • Ding, J.;  Jain, S.;  Pearson, J. E.;  Lendinez, S.;  Khovaylo, V.; Novosad, V., Dynamic control of metastable remanent states in mesoscale magnetic elements. J Appl Phys 2015, 117 (17).
  • Iavarone, M.;  Moore, S. A.;  Fedor, J.;  Novosad, V.;  Pearson, J. A.; Karapetrov, G., Influence of Domain Width on Vortex Nucleation in Superconductor/Ferromagnet Hybrid Structures. J Supercond Nov Magn 2015, 28 (3), 1107-1110.
  • Guslienko, K.;  Kobljanskyj, Y.;  Melkov, G.;  Novosad, V.;  Bader, S. D.;  Kostylev, M.; Slavin, A., Nonlinear Spin Waves in Two-Dimensional Arrays of Magnetic Nanodots. Springer Proc Phys 2015, 159, 206-+.
  • Mancusi, D.;  Di Giorgio, C.;  Bobba, F.;  Scarfato, A.;  Cucolo, A. M.;  Iavarone, M.;  Moore, S. A.;  Karapetrov, G.;  Novosad, V.;  Yefremenko, V.;  Pace, S.; Polichetti, M., Magnetic pinning in a superconducting film by a ferromagnetic layer with stripe domains. Supercond Sci Tech 2014, 27 (12).
  • Vitol, E. A.;  Rozhkova, E. A.;  Rose, V.;  Stripe, B. D.;  Young, N. R.;  Cohen, E. E. W.;  Leoni, L.; Novosad, V., Efficient Cisplatin Pro-Drug Delivery Visualized with Sub-100 nm Resolution: Interfacing Engineered Thermosensitive Magnetomicelles with a Living System. Adv Mater Interfaces 2014, 1 (7).
  • Khovaylo, V. V.;  Rodionova, V. V.;  Shevyrtalov, S. N.; Novosad, V., Magnetocaloric effect in reduced” dimensions: Thin films, ribbons, and microwires of Heusler alloys and related compounds. Phys Status Solidi B 2014, 251 (10), 2104-2113.
  • Iavarone, M.;  Moore, S. A.;  Fedor, J.;  Ciocys, S. T.;  Karapetrov, G.;  Pearson, J.;  Novosad, V.; Bader, S. D., Visualizing domain wall and reverse domain superconductivity. Nat Commun 2014, 5.
  • George, E. M.;  Austermann, J. E.;  Beall, J. A.;  Becker, D.;  Benson, B. A.;  Bleem, L. E.;  Carlstrom, J. E.;  Chang, C. L.;  Cho, H. M.;  Crites, A. T.;  Dobbs, M. A.;  Everett, W.;  Halverson, N. W.;  Henning, J. W.;  Hilton, G. C.;  Holzapfel, W. L.;  Hubmayr, J.;  Irwin, K. D.;  Li, D.;  Lueker, M.;  McMahon, J. J.;  Mehl, J.;  Montgomery, J.;  Natoli, T.;  Nibarger, J. P.;  Niemack, M. D.;  Novosad, V.;  Ruhl, J. E.;  Sayre, J. T.;  Shirokoff, E.;  Story, K. T.;  Wang, G.;  Yefremenko, V.;  Yoon, K. W.; Young, E., A Study of Al-Mn Transition Edge Sensor Engineering for Stability. J Low Temp Phys 2014, 176 (3-4), 383-391.
  • Wang, G.;  Yefremenko, V.;  Chang, C. L.;  Mehl, J.;  Novosad, V.;  Pearson, J.;  Divan, R.; Carlstrom, J. E., A Mo/Au Bilayer Transition Edge Sensor Modified with Normal Metal Structures. J Low Temp Phys 2014, 176 (3-4), 337-343.
  • Guslienko, K. Y.;  Kakazei, G. N.;  Kobljanskyj, Y. V.;  Melkov, G. A.;  Novosad, V.; Slavin, A. N., Microwave absorption properties of permalloy nanodots in the vortex and quasi-uniform magnetization states. New J Phys 2014, 16.
  • Bobba, F.;  Di Giorgio, C.;  Scarfato, A.;  Longobardi, M.;  Iavarone, M.;  Moore, S. A.;  Karapetrov, G.;  Novosad, V.;  Yefremenko, V.; Cucolo, A. M., Vortex-antivortex coexistence in Nb-based superconductor/ferromagnet heterostructures. Phys Rev B 2014, 89 (21).
  • Lendinez, S.;  Jain, S.;  Novosad, V.;  Fradin, F. Y.;  Pearson, J. E.;  Tejada, J.; Bader, S. D., Dynamic decay of a single vortex into vortex-antivortex pairs. J Appl Phys 2014, 115 (17).
  • Kim, D. H.;  Tamada, Y.;  Ono, T.;  Bader, S. D.;  Rozhkova, E. A.; Novosad, V., The Effect of Ligands on FePt-Fe3O4 Core-Shell Magnetic Nanoparticles. J Nanosci Nanotechno 2014, 14 (3), 2648-2652.
  • Jain, S.;  Novosad, V.;  Fradin, F. Y.;  Pearson, J. E.; Bader, S. D., Dynamics of coupled vortices in perpendicular field. Appl Phys Lett 2014, 104 (8).
  • Benson, B. A et al, (SPT Collaboration), A Next-Generation Cosmic Microwave Background Polarization Experiment on the South Pole Telescope. Proc Spie 2014, 9153.
  • Melkov, G. A.;  Kobljanskyj, Y.;  Novosad, V.;  Slavin, A. N.; Guslienko, K. Y., Probing the energy barriers in nonuniform magnetization states of circular dots by broadband ferromagnetic resonance. Phys Rev B 2013, 88 (22).
  • Cohen, E. E. W.;  Ahmed, O.;  Kocherginsky, M.;  Shustakova, G.;  Kistner-Griffin, E.;  Salama, J. K.;  Yefremenko, V.; Novosad, V., Study of functional infrared imaging for early detection of mucositis in locally advanced head and neck cancer treated with chemoradiotherapy. Oral Oncol 2013, 49 (10), 1025-1031.
  • Hanson, D.;  et al, (SPT Collaboration), Detection of B-Mode Polarization in the Cosmic Microwave Background with Data from the South Pole Telescope. Phys Rev Lett 2013, 111 (14).
  • Novosad, V. L.;  Richards, J. L.;  Phillips, N. A.;  King, M. A.; Clanton, T. L., Regional susceptibility to stress-induced intestinal injury in the mouse. Am J Physiol-Gastr L 2013, 305 (6), G418-G426.
  • Jain, S.;  Novosad, V.;  Fradin, F. Y.;  Pearson, J. E.;  Tiberkevich, V.;  Slavin, A. N.; Bader, S. D., Control and Manipulation of the Dynamic Response of Interacting Spin Vortices. Ieee T Magn 2013, 49 (7), 3081-3088.
  • Kim, D. H.;  Vitol, E. A.;  Liu, J.;  Balasubramanian, S.;  Gosztola, D. J.;  Cohen, E. E.;  Novosad, V.; Rozhkova, E. A., Stimuli-Responsive Magnetic Nanomicelles as Multifunctional Heat and Cargo Delivery Vehicles. Langmuir 2013, 29 (24), 7425-7432.
  • Wang, G.;  Yefremenko, V.;  Chang, C. L.;  Novosad, V.;  Mehl, J.;  Pearson, J.;  Divan, R.; Carlstrom, J. E., Mo/Au Bilayer Superconducting Transition Edge Sensor Tuning With Surface Modification Structures. Ieee T Appl Supercon 2013, 23 (3).
  • Yefremenko, V.; et al, (SPT Collaboration), Design and Fabrication of 90 GHz TES Polarimeter Detectors for the South Pole Telescope. Ieee T Appl Supercon 2013, 23 (3).
  • Jain, S.;  Fradin, F. Y.;  Pearson, J. E.;  Novosad, V.; Bader, S. D., Reconfigurable ground states in connected double-dot system. Appl Phys Lett 2013, 102 (5).
  • Jain, S.;  Schultheiss, H.;  Heinonen, O.;  Fradin, F. Y.;  Pearson, J. E.;  Bader, S. D.; Novosad, V., Coupled vortex oscillations in mesoscale ferromagnetic double-disk structures. Phys Rev B 2012, 86 (21).
  • Jain, S.;  Novosad, V.;  Fradin, F. Y.;  Pearson, J. E.;  Tiberkevich, V.;  Slavin, A. N.; Bader, S. D., From chaos to selective ordering of vortex cores in interacting mesomagnets. Nat Commun 2012, 3.
  • Iavarone, M.;  Scarfato, A.;  Bobba, F.;  Longobardi, M.;  Moore, S. A.;  Karapetrov, G.;  Yefremenko, V.;  Novosad, V.; Cucolo, A. M., Vortex Confinement in Planar Superconductor/Ferromagnet Hybrid Structures. Ieee T Magn 2012, 48 (11), 3275-3279.
  • Vitol, E. A.;  Novosad, V.; Rozhkova, E. A., Multifunctional Ferromagnetic Disks for Modulating Cell Function. Ieee T Magn 2012, 48 (11), 3269-3274.
  • Vitol, E. A.;  Novosad, V.; Rozhkova, E. A., Microfabricated magnetic structures for future medicine: from sensors to cell actuators. Nanomedicine-Uk 2012, 7 (10), 1611-1624.
  • Cucolo, A. M.;  Scarfato, A.;  Iavarone, M.;  Longobardi, M.;  Bobba, F.;  Karapetrov, G.;  Novosad, V.; Yefremenko, V., Visualizing Vortex Dynamics in Py/Nb Thin Film Hybrids by Low Temperature Magnetic Force Microscopy. J Supercond Nov Magn 2012, 25 (7), 2167-2171.
  • Karapetrov, G.;  Yefremenko, V.;  Mihajlovic, G.;  Pearson, J. E.;  Iavarone, M.;  Novosad, V.; Bader, S. D., Evidence of vortex jamming in Abrikosov vortex flux flow regime. Phys Rev B 2012, 86 (5).
  • Kobljanskyj, Y.;  Melkov, G.;  Guslienko, K.;  Novosad, V.;  Bader, S. D.;  Kostylev, M.; Slavin, A., Nano-structured magnetic metamaterial with enhanced nonlinear properties. Sci Rep-Uk 2012, 2.
  • Yun, J.;  et al, (SPT Collaboration), An Overview of the SPTpol Experiment. J Low Temp Phys 2012, 167 (5-6), 859-864.
  • Chang, C. L.;  et al, (SPT Collaboration), Optical and Thermal Properties of ANL/KICP Polarization Sensitive Bolometers for SPTpol. J Low Temp Phys 2012, 167 (5-6), 865-871.
  • Zarzuela, R.;  Velez, S.;  Hernandez, J. M.;  Tejada, J.; Novosad, V., Quantum depinning of the magnetic vortex core in micron-size permalloy disks. Phys Rev B 2012, 85 (18).
  • Vitol, E. A.;  Yefremenko, V. G.;  Jain, S.;  Pearson, J.;  Rozhkova, E. A.;  Bader, S. D.; Novosad, V., Optical transmission modulation by disk-shaped ferromagnetic particles. J Appl Phys 2012, 111 (7).
  • Oliver, S. R.;  Phillips, N. A.;  Novosad, V. L.;  Bakos, M. P.;  Talbert, E. E.; Clanton, T. L., Hyperthermia induces injury to the intestinal mucosa in the mouse: evidence for an oxidative stress mechanism. Am J Physiol-Reg I 2012, 302 (7), R845-R853.
  • Chang, C. L.;  et al, (SPT Collaboration), Detectors for the South Pole Telescope. Physcs Proc 2012, 37, 1381-1388.
  • Wang, G.;  Yefremenko, V.;  Novosad, V.;  Pearson, J.;  Divan, R.;  Chang, C. L.;  Bleem, L.;  Crites, A. T.;  Mehl, J.;  Benson, B. A.;  Natoli, T.;  Story, K.;  Meyer, S. S.;  Carlstrom, J. E.;  McMahon, J.;  Sayre, J.;  Ruhl, J.;  George, E.;  Harrington, N.;  Reichardt, C.;  Shirokoff, E.;  Young, E.;  Lee, A.; Holzapfel, W., An Absorber-coupled TES Bolometer for Measuring CMB Polarization. Physcs Proc 2012, 37, 1349-1354.
  • Cecil, T.;  Miceli, A.;  Gades, L.;  Datesman, A.;  Quaranta, O.;  Yefremenko, V.;  Novosad, V.; Mazin, B., Kinetic Inductance Detectors for X-Ray Spectroscopy. Physcs Proc 2012, 37, 697-702.
  • Henning, J. W.;  et al, (SPT Collaboration), Feedhorn-Coupled TES Polarimeter Camera Modules at 150 GHz for CMB Polarization Measurements with SPTpol. Proc Spie 2012, 8452.
  • Sayre, J. T.;  et al, (SPT Collaboration), Design and characterization of 90 GHz feedhorn-coupled TES polarimeter pixels in the SPTpol camera. Proc Spie 2012, 8452.
  • Austermann, J. E et al, (SPT Collaboration), SPTpol: an instrument for CMB polarization measurements with the South Pole Telescope. Proc Spie 2012, 8452.
  • George, E. M et al, (SPT Collaboration), Performance and on-sky optical characterization of the SPTpol instrument. Proc Spie 2012, 8452.
  • Story, K.;  et al, (SPT Collaboration), South Pole Telescope Software Systems: Clllontrol, Monitoring, and Data Acquisition. Proc Spie 2012, 8451.
  • Iavarone, M.;  Scarfato, A.;  Bobba, F.;  Longobardi, M.;  Karapetrov, G.;  Novosad, V.;  Yefremenko, V.;  Giubileo, F.; Cucolo, A. M., Imaging the spontaneous formation of vortex-antivortex pairs in planar superconductor/ferromagnet hybrid structures. Phys Rev B 2011, 84 (2).
  • Crites, A. T.;  Benson, B. A.;  Bleem, L.;  Carlstrom, J. E.;  Chang, C. L.;  Datesman, A.;  Divan, R.;  George, E. M.;  Holzapfel, W. L.;  Lee, A.;  Lueker, M.;  McMahon, J. J.;  Mehl, J.;  Meyer, S. S.;  Montroy, T.;  Natoli, T.;  Novosad, V.;  Pearson, J.;  Ruhl, J.;  Sayre, J.;  Shirokoff, E.;  Story, K.;  Wang, G.;  Yefremenko, V.; Young, E. Y., Progress on ANL/KICP Bolometers for SPTpol. IEEE T Appl Supercon 2011, 21 (3), 184-187.
  • Wang, G.;  Yefremenko, V.;  Novosad, V.;  Datesman, A.;  Pearson, J.;  Divan, R.;  Chang, C. L.;  Bleem, L.;  Crites, A. T.;  Mehl, J.;  Natoli, T.;  McMahon, J.;  Sayre, J.;  Ruhl, J.;  Meyer, S. S.; Carlstrom, J. E., Thermal Properties of Silicon Nitride Beams Below One Kelvin. Ieee T Appl Supercon 2011, 21 (3), 232-235.
  • Novosad, V. L.;  Phillips, N. A.;  Oca-Cossio, J.; Clanton, T. L., Histological evidence for regional injury to the mouse intestine in heatstroke. Faseb J 2011, 25.
  • Karapetrov, G.;  Belkin, A.;  Iavarone, M.;  Yefremenko, V.;  Pearson, J. E.;  Divan, R.;  Cambel, V.; Novosad, V., Dimensionality crossover in vortex dynamics of magnetically coupled F-S-F hybrids. Supercond Sci Tech 2011, 24 (2).
  • Kim, D. H.;  Karavayev, P.;  Rozhkova, E. A.;  Pearson, J.;  Yefremenko, V.;  Bader, S. D.; Novosad, V., Mechanoresponsive system based on sub-micron chitosan-functionalized ferromagnetic disks. J Mater Chem 2011, 21 (23), 8422-8426.
  • Karapetrov, G.;  Belkin, A.;  Iavarone, M.;  Fedor, J.;  Novosad, V.;  Milosevic, M. V.; Peeters, F. M., Anisotropic Superconductivity and Vortex Dynamics in Magnetically Coupled F/S and F/S/F Hybrids. J Supercond Nov Magn 2011, 24 (1-2), 905-910.
  • Cambel, V.;  Elias, P.;  Gregusova, D.;  Martaus, J.;  Fedor, J.;  Karapetrov, G.; Novosad, V., Magnetic elements for switching magnetization magnetic force microscopy tips. J Magn Magn Mater 2010, 322 (18), 2715-2721.
  • Cambel, V.;  Elias, P.;  Gregusova, D.;  Fedor, J.;  Martaus, J.;  Karapetrov, G.;  Novosad, V.; Kostic, I., Novel Magnetic Tips Developed for the Switching Magnetization Magnetic Force Microscopy. J Nanosci Nanotechno 2010, 10 (7), 4477-4481.
  • Novosad, V. L.;  Phillips, N. A.;  Oliver, S. R.; Clanton, T. L., Protection of the intestinal barrier in hyperthermia: defining the role of 12/15-lipoxygenase. Faseb J 2010, 24.
  • Phillips, N. A.;  Novosad, V. L.; Clanton, T., Regional susceptibility of the small intestine to hyperthermia. Faseb J 2010, 24.
  • Mihajlovic, G.;  Patrick, M. S.;  Pearson, J. E.;  Novosad, V.;  Bader, S. D.;  Field, M.;  Sullivan, G. J.; Hoffmann, A., Temperature dependent nucleation and annihilation of individual magnetic vortices. Appl Phys Lett 2010, 96 (11).
  • Belkin, A.;  Novosad, V.;  Iavarone, M.;  Divan, R.;  Hiller, J.;  Proslier, T.;  Pearson, J. E.; Karapetrov, G., Giant conductance anisotropy in magnetically coupled Ferromagnet-Superconductor-Ferromagnet structures. Appl Phys Lett 2010, 96 (9).
  • Khanna, R.;  Bader, S. D.;  Rajh, T.;  Lesniak, M. S.; Novosad, V., Biofunctionalized Magnetic Microdiscs Achieve Cancer Cell Destruction. Mrs Bull 2010, 35 (2), 107-108.
  • Kim, D. H.;  Rozhkova, E. A.;  Ulasov, I. V.;  Bader, S. D.;  Rajh, T.;  Lesniak, M. S.; Novosad, V., Biofunctionalized magnetic-vortex microdiscs for targeted cancer-cell destruction. Nat Mater 2010, 9 (2), 165-171.
  • Buchanan, K. S.;  Hoffmann, A.;  Novosad, V.; Bader, S. D., Translational-mode dynamics of exchange-biased vortices (vol 103, 07B102, 2008). J Appl Phys 2010, 107 (2).
  • Wang, G.;  Yefremenko, V.;  Novosad, V.;  Datesman, A.;  Pearson, J.;  Shustakova, G.;  Divan, R.;  Chang, C.;  McMahon, J.;  Bleem, L.;  Crites, A. T.;  Downes, T.;  Mehl, J.;  Meyer, S. S.; Carlstrom, J. E., Thermal Properties of Silicon Nitride Beams Below 1 Kelvin. Aip Conf Proc 2010, 1219, 75-+.
  • Karapetrov, G.;  Milosevic, M. V.;  Iavarone, M.;  Fedor, J.;  Belkin, A.;  Novosad, V.; Peeters, F. M., Transverse instabilities of multiple vortex chains in magnetically coupled NbSe2/permalloy superconductor/ferromagnet bilayers. Phys Rev B 2009, 80 (18).
  • Kim, D. H.;  Rozhkova, E. A.;  Rajh, T.;  Bader, S. D.; Novosad, V., Synthesis of Hybrid Gold/Iron Oxide Nanoparticles in Block Copolymer Micelles for Imaging, Drug Delivery, and Magnetic Hyperthermia. Ieee T Magn 2009, 45 (10), 4821-4824.
  • Chui, S. T.;  Novosad, V.; Bader, S. D., Finite frequency response of small magnetic structures under an external static field. Phys Rev B 2009, 80 (5).
  • Karapetrov, G.;  Belkin, A.;  Novosad, V.;  Iavarone, M.;  Fedor, J.;  Pearson, J. E.; Petrean-Troncalli, A., Adjustable Superconducting Anisotropy in Superconductor-Ferromagnet Bilayers. Ieee T Appl Supercon 2009, 19 (3), 3471-3474.
  • Wang, G. S.;  Yefremenko, V.;  Novosad, V.;  Bleem, L.;  Chang, C. L.;  McMahon, J.;  Datesman, A.;  Pearson, J.;  Divan, R.;  Downes, T.;  Crites, A. T.;  Meyer, S. S.; Carlstrom, J. E., Development of Absorber Coupled TES Polarimeter at Millimeter Wavelengths. Ieee T Appl Supercon 2009, 19 (3), 544-547.
  • Datesman, A. M.;  Downes, T. P.;  Perera, T. A.;  Wang, G. S.;  Yefremenko, V. G.;  Pearson, J. E.;  Novosad, V.;  Divan, R.;  Chang, C. L.;  Logan, D. W.;  Meyer, S. S.;  Wilson, G. W.;  Bleem, L. E.;  Crites, A. T.;  McMahon, J. J.; Carlstrom, J. E., TES Development for a Frequency Selective Bolometer Camera. Ieee T Appl Supercon 2009, 19 (3), 548-552.
  • Yefremenko, V.;  Wang, G. S.;  Novosad, V.;  Datesman, A. M.;  Pearson, J. E.;  Divan, R.;  Chang, C. L.;  Downes, T. P.;  McMahon, J.;  Bleem, L.;  Crites, A. T.;  Meyer, S. S.; Carlstrom, J. E., Control of Membrane Thermal Transport Supporting Superconducting Detector Development. Ieee T Appl Supercon 2009, 19 (3), 489-492.
  • Yefremenko, V.;  Wang, G.;  Novosad, V.;  Datesman, A.;  Pearson, J.;  Divan, R.;  Chang, C. L.;  Downes, T. P.;  McMahon, J. J.;  Bleem, L. E.;  Crites, A. T.;  Meyer, S. S.; Carlstrom, J. E., Low temperature thermal transport in partially perforated silicon nitride membranes. Appl Phys Lett 2009, 94 (18).
  • Yefremenko, V.;  Gordiyenko, E.;  Shustakova, G.;  Fomenko, Y.;  Datesman, A.;  Wang, G.;  Pearson, J.;  Cohen, E. E. W.; Novosad, V., A broadband imaging system for research applications. Rev Sci Instrum 2009, 80 (5).
  • Rozhkova, E. A.;  Novosad, V.;  Kim, D. H.;  Pearson, J.;  Divan, R.;  Rajh, T.; Bader, S. D., Ferromagnetic microdisks as carriers for biomedical applications. J Appl Phys 2009, 105 (7).
  • Buchanan, K. S.;  Grimsditch, M.;  Fradin, F. Y.;  Bader, S. D.; Novosad, V., Vortex dynamics in patterned nanomagnets. Iceaa: 2009 International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications, Vols 1 and 2 2009, Cp1-Cp1.
  • Chui, S. T.;  Novosad, V.; Bader, S. D., Finite frequency response of nano magnetic structures. 2009 9th Ieee Conference on Nanotechnology (Ieee-Nano) 2009, 659-662.
  • McMahon, et al, (SPT Collaboration), SPTpol: an instrument for CMB polarization. Aip Conf Proc 2009, 1185, 511-+.
  • McMahon, J.;  Bleem, L. E.;  Crites, A. T.;  Carlstrom, J. E.;  Chang, C. L.;  Datesman, A.;  Divan, R.;  Everett, W.;  Mehl, J.;  Meyer, S. S.;  Novosad, V.;  Pearson, J.;  Ruhl, J.;  Sayre, J.;  Wang, G.; Yefremenko, V., Optical design of Argonne/KICP detectors for CMB polarization. Aip Conf Proc 2009, 1185, 487-+.
  • Yefremenko, V.;  Datesman, A.;  Wang, G.;  Pearson, J.;  Novosad, V.;  Divan, R.;  Bleem, L. E.;  Chang, C. L.;  Crites, A. T.;  Everett, W.;  McMahon, J.;  Mehl, J.;  Meyer, S. S.;  Ruhl, J.;  Sayre, J.; Carlstrom, J. E., Design and Fabrication of Argonne/KICP Detectors for CMB Polarization. Aip Conf Proc 2009, 1185, 359-+.
  • Crites, A. T.;  Bleem, L. E.;  Carlstrom, J. E.;  Chang, C. L.;  Datesman, A.;  Divan, R.;  Everett, W.;  McMahon, J.;  Mehl, J.;  Meyer, S. S.;  Novosad, V.;  Pearson, J.;  Ruhl, J.;  Sayre, J.;  Wang, G.; Yefremenko, V., Optical Properties of Argonne/KICP TES Bolometers for CMB Polarimetry. Aip Conf Proc 2009, 1185, 203-+.
  • Wang, G.;  Yefremenko, V.;  Datesman, A.;  Novosad, V.;  Pearson, J.;  Shustakova, G.;  Divan, R.;  Lee, J.;  Chang, C. L.;  McMahon, J.;  Bleem, L.;  Crites, A. T.;  Downes, T.;  Mehl, J.;  Everett, W.;  Meyer, S. S.;  Carlstrom, J. E.;  Sayer, J.; Ruhl, J., Thermal Modeling of Absorber-Coupled TES Polarimeter. Aip Conf Proc 2009, 1185, 334-+.
  • Karapetrov, G.;  Belkin, A.;  Novosad, V.;  Iavarone, M.;  Pearson, J. E.; Kwok, W. K., Adjustable superconducting anisotropy in MoGe-Permalloy hybrids. J Phys Conf Ser 2009, 150.
  • Kim, D. H.;  Rozhkova, E. A.;  Rajh, T.;  Bader, S. D.; Novosad, V., Thermoresponsive Magnetic Micelles for Simultaneous Magnetic Hyperthermia and Drug Delivery. Nanotech Conference & Expo 2009, Vol 2, Technical Proceedings 2009, 294-+.
  • Belkin, A.;  Novosad, V.;  Iavarone, M.;  Fedor, J.;  Pearson, J. E.;  Petrean-Troncalli, A.; Karapetrov, G., Tunable transport in magnetically coupled MoGe/Permalloy hybrids. Appl Phys Lett 2008, 93 (7).
  • Kakazei, G. N.;  Mewes, T.;  Wigen, P. E.;  Hammel, P. C.;  Slavin, A. N.;  Pogorelov, Y. G.;  Costa, M. D.;  Golub, V. O.;  Guslienko, K. Y.; Novosad, V., Probing arrays of circular magnetic microdots by ferromagnetic resonance. J Nanosci Nanotechno 2008, 8 (6), 2811-2826.
  • Khovaylo, V.;  Koledov, V.;  Shavrov, V.;  Ohtsuka, M.;  Miki, H.;  Takagi, T.; Novosad, V., Influence of cobalt on phase transitions in Ni50Mn37Sn13. Mat Sci Eng a-Struct 2008, 481, 322-325.
  • Belkin, A.;  Novosad, V.;  Iavarone, M.;  Pearson, J.; Karapetrov, G., Superconductor/ferromagnet bilayers: Influence of magnetic domain structure on vortex dynamics. Phys Rev B 2008, 77 (18).
  • Chang, C. L.;  Carlstrom, J. E.;  Datesman, A.;  Meyer, S. S.;  Novosad, V.;  Yefremenko, V. G.;  Crawford, T.;  Downes, T.;  McMahon, J.;  Miknaitis, K.; Vieira, J. D., Design and fabrication of absorber coupled TES microbolometers on continuous Silicon-Nitride windows. J Low Temp Phys 2008, 151 (1-2), 245-248.
  • Buchanan, K. S.;  Hoffmann, A.;  Novosad, V.; Bader, S. D., Translational-mode dynamics of exchange-biased vortices. J Appl Phys 2008, 103 (7).
  • Vlasko-Vlasov, V.;  Welp, U.;  Karapetrov, G.;  Novosad, V.;  Rosenmann, D.;  Iavarone, M.;  Belkin, A.; Kwok, W. K., Guiding superconducting vortices with magnetic domain walls. Phys Rev B 2008, 77 (13).
  • Datesman, A.;  Pearson, J.;  Wang, G.;  Yefremenko, V.;  Divan, R.;  Downes, T.;  Chang, C.;  McMahon, J.;  Meyer, S.;  Carlstrom, J.;  Logan, D.;  Perera, T.;  Wilson, G.; Novosad, V., Frequency selective bolometer development at Argonne National Laboratory. Proc Spie 2008, 7020.
  • Buchanan, K. S.;  Grimsditch, M.;  Fradin, F. Y.;  Bader, S. D.; Novosad, V., Driven dynamic mode splitting of the magnetic vortex translational resonance. Phys Rev Lett 2007, 99 (26).
  • Merenkov, D. N.;  Bludov, A. N.;  Gnatchenko, S. L.;  Baran, M.;  Szymczak, R.; Novosad, V. A., Exchange anisotropy in polycrystalline FeNi/FeMn films with hysteresis loop asymmetry. Low Temp Phys+ 2007, 33 (11), 957-964.
  • Cambel, V.;  Karapetrov, G.;  Novosad, V.;  Bartolome, E.;  Gregusova, D.;  Fedor, J.;  Kudela, R.; Soltys, J., Novel Hall sensors developed for magnetic field imaging systems. J Magn Magn Mater 2007, 316 (2), 232-235.
  • Patel, U.;  Xiao, Z. L.;  Hua, J.;  Xu, T.;  Rosenmann, D.;  Novosad, V.;  Pearson, J.;  Welp, U.;  Kwok, W. K.; Crabtree, G. W., Origin of the matching effect in a superconducting film with a hole array. Phys Rev B 2007, 76 (2).
  • Liu, X. Q.;  Novosad, V.;  Rozhkova, E. A.;  Chen, H. T.;  Yefremenko, V.;  Pearson, J.;  Torno, M.;  Bader, S. D.; Rosengart, A. J., Surface functionalized biocompatible magnetic nanospheres for cancer hyperthermia. Ieee T Magn 2007, 43 (6), 2462-2464.
  • Rozhkova, E. A.;  Liu, X.;  Rajh, T.;  Novosad, V.;  Bader, S. D.; Rosengart, A. J., MEDI 441-Wittig reactions and rearrangements leading to benzophenone- and chromone-based ligands for evaluation as potential retinoids. Abstr Pap Am Chem S 2007, 233, 939-939.
  • Yan, M.;  Leaf, G.;  Kaper, H.;  Novosad, V.;  Vavassori, P.;  Camley, R. E.; Grimsditch, M., Dynamic origin of stripe domains in cobalt bars. J Magn Magn Mater 2007, 310 (2), 1596-1598.
  • Bader, S. D.;  Buchanan, K. S.;  Chung, S. H.;  Guslienko, K. Y.;  Hoffmann, A.;  Ji, Y.; Novosad, V., Issues in nanomagnetism. Superlattice Microst 2007, 41 (2-3), 72-80.
  • Gnatchenko, S. L.;  Merenkov, D. N.;  Bludov, A. N.;  Pishko, V. V.;  Shakhayeva, Y. A.;  Baran, M.;  Szymczak, R.; Novosad, V. A., Asymmetrically shaped hysteresis loop in exchange-biased FeNi/FeMn film. J Magn Magn Mater 2006, 307 (2), 263-267.
  • Belkin, A.;  Fedor, J.;  Pankowski, P.;  Iavarone, M.;  Novosad, V.;  Karapetrov, G.;  Cambel, V.;  Gregusova, D.; Kudela, R., Switching of magnetic domains in Permalloy microstructures using two-dimensional electron gas. Appl Phys Lett 2006, 89 (18).
  • Yan, M.;  Leaf, G.;  Kaper, H.;  Novosad, V.;  Vavassori, P.;  Camley, R. E.; Grimsditch, M., Formation of stripe domains in cobalt bars via a magnetic soft mode instability. Ieee T Magn 2006, 42 (10), 3204-3206.
  • Sort, J.;  Buchanan, K. S.;  Novosad, V.;  Hoffmann, A.;  Salazar-Alvarez, G.;  Bollero, A.;  Baro, M. D.;  Dieny, B.; Nogues, J., Imprinting vortices into antiferromagnets. Phys Rev Lett 2006, 97 (6).
  • Buchanan, K. S.;  Roy, P. E.;  Grimsditch, M.;  Fradin, F. Y.;  Guslienko, K. Y.;  Bader, S. D.; Novosad, V., Magnetic-field tunability of the vortex translational mode in micron-sized permalloy ellipses: Experiment and micromagnetic modeling. Phys Rev B 2006, 74 (6).
  • Kakazei, G. N.;  Pogorelov, Y. G.;  Costa, M. D.;  Mewes, T.;  Wigen, P. E.;  Hammel, P. C.;  Golub, V. O.;  Okuno, T.; Novosad, V., Origin of fourfold anisotropy in square lattices of circular ferromagnetic dots. Phys Rev B 2006, 74 (6).
  • Buchanan, K. S.;  Roy, P. E.;  Fradin, F. Y.;  Guslienko, K. Y.;  Grimsditch, M.;  Bader, S. D.; Novosad, V., Vortex dynamics in patterned ferromagnetic ellipses. J Appl Phys 2006, 99 (8).
  • Rose, V.;  Buchanan, K.;  Chung, S. H.;  Grimsditch, M.;  Metlushko, V.;  Hoffmann, A.;  Novosad, V.;  Bader, S. D.; Ibach, H., Frustrated magnetic vortices in a triad of permalloy rings: Magneto-optical Kerr effect, magnetic force microscopy, and micromagnetic simulations. Phys Rev B 2006, 73 (9).
  • Zhukov, A. A.;  Goncharov, A. V.;  de Groot, P. A. J.;  Ghanem, M. A.;  Bartlett, P. N.;  Boardman, R.;  Fangohr, H.;  Novosad, V.; Karapetrov, G., Oscillatory thickness dependence of the coercive field in magnetic three-dimensional antidot arrays. Appl Phys Lett 2006, 88 (6).
  • Grimsditch, M.;  Fradin, F. Y.;  Ji, Y.;  Hoffmann, A.;  Camley, R. E.;  Metlushko, V.; Novosad, V., Coherent inelastic light scattering from a microwave-excited array of magnetic particles. Phys Rev Lett 2006, 96 (4).
  • Sort, J.;  Salazar-Alvarez, G.;  Baro, M. D.;  Dieny, B.;  Hoffmann, A.;  Novosad, V.; Nogues, J., Controlling magnetic vortices through exchange bias. Appl Phys Lett 2006, 88 (4).
  • Leaf, G.;  Kaper, H.;  Yan, M.;  Novosad, V.;  Vavassori, P.;  Camley, R. E.; Grimsditch, M., Dynamic origin of stripe domains. Phys Rev Lett 2006, 96 (1).
  • Yefremenko, V.;  Gordiyenko, E.;  Shustakova, G.;  Bader, S. D.;  Karapetrov, G.; Novosad, V., Optically activated high T-c superconducting microbolometer. J Phys Conf Ser 2006, 43, 1342-1345.
  • Buchanan, K. S.;  Roy, P. E.;  Grimsditch, M.;  Fradin, F. Y.;  Guslienko, K. Y.;  Bader, S. D.; Novosad, V., Soliton-pair dynamics in patterned ferromagnetic ellipses. Nat Phys 2005, 1 (3), 172-176.
  • Buchanan, K. S.;  Guslienko, K. Y.;  Doran, A.;  Scholl, A.;  Bader, S. D.; Novosad, V., Magnetic remanent states and magnetization reversal in patterned trilayer nanodots. Phys Rev B 2005, 72 (13).
  • Zhukov, A. A.;  Kiziroglou, M. E.;  Goncharov, A. V.;  Boardman, R.;  Ghanem, M. A.;  Abdelsalam, M.;  Novosad, V.;  Karapetrov, G.;  Li, X.;  Fangohr, H.;  de Groot, C. H.;  Bartlett, P. N.; de Groot, P. A. J., Shape-induced anisotropy in antidot arrays from self-assembled templates. Ieee T Magn 2005, 41 (10), 3598-3600.
  • Novosad, V.;  Fradin, F. Y.;  Roy, P. E.;  Buchanan, K. S.;  Guslienko, K. Y.; Bader, S. D., Magnetic vortex resonance in patterned ferromagnetic dots. Phys Rev B 2005, 72 (2).
  • Guslienko, K. Y.;  Buchanan, K. S.;  Bader, S. D.; Novosad, V., Dynamics of coupled vortices in layered magnetic nanodots. Appl Phys Lett 2005, 86 (22).
  • Buchanan, K. S.;  Guslienko, K. Y.;  Choe, S. B.;  Doran, A.;  Scholl, A.;  Bader, S. D.; Novosad, V., Magnetization reversal in patterned double-vortex structures. J Appl Phys 2005, 97 (10).
  • Guslienko, K. Y.;  Pishko, V.;  Novosad, V.;  Buchanan, K.; Bader, S. D., Quantized spin excitation modes in patterned ferromagnetic stripe arrays. J Appl Phys 2005, 97 (10).
  • Zhukov, A. A.;  Goncharov, A. V.;  de Groot, P. A. J.;  Ghanem, M. A.;  El-Hallag, I. S.;  Bartlett, P. N.;  Boardman, R.;  Fangohr, H.;  Novosad, V.; Karapetrov, G., Oscillatory thickness dependence of the coercive field in three-dimensional anti-dot arrays from self-assembly. J Appl Phys 2005, 97 (10).
  • Guslienko, K. Y.;  Scholz, W.;  Chantrell, R. W.; Novosad, V., Vortex-state oscillations in soft magnetic cylindrical dots. Phys Rev B 2005, 71 (14).
  • Zhukov, A. A.;  Filby, E. T.;  Goncharov, A. V.;  Ghanem, M. A.;  Bartlett, P. N.;  Boardman, R.;  Fangohr, H.;  Metlushko, V. V.;  Novosad, V.;  Karapetrov, G.; de Groot, P. A. J., Self-assembly routes towards creating superconducting and magnetic arrays. J Low Temp Phys 2005, 139 (1-2), 339-349.
  • Welp, U.;  Xiao, Z. L.;  Novosad, V.; Vlasko-Vlasov, V. K., Commensurability and strong vortex pinning in nanopatterned Nb films. Phys Rev B 2005, 71 (1).
  • Gordiyenko, E.;  Yefremenko, V.;  Pearson, J.;  Bader, S. D.; Novosad, V., High-sensitivity, and cost-effective system for infrared imaging of concealed objects in dynamic mode. Proc Spie 2005, 5778, 103-109.
  • Yefremenko, V.;  Gordiyenko, E.;  Shustakova, G.;  Bader, S. D.; Novosad, V., Superconducting microbolometer with controllable coordinate sensitivity; An alternative approach to FPA design. P Soc Photo-Opt Ins 2005, 5783, 967-973.
  • Khovailo, V. V.;  Novosad, V.;  Takagi, T.;  Filippov, D. A.;  Levitin, R. Z.; Vasil’ev, A. N., Magnetic properties and magnetostructural phase transitions in Ni2+xMn1-xGa shape memory alloys. Phys Rev B 2004, 70 (17).
  • Guslienko, K. Y.; Novosad, V., Vortex state stability in soft magnetic cylindrical nanodots. J Appl Phys 2004, 96 (8), 4451-4455.
  • Kwok, W. K.;  Xiao, Z. L.;  Welp, U.;  Rydh, A.;  Vlasko-Vlasov, V.; Novosad, V., Commensurate vortex pinning in Nb films patterned onto anodized aluminum oxide. Physica C 2004, 412, 347-351.
  • Kakazei, G. N.;  Wigen, P. E.;  Guslienko, K. Y.;  Novosad, V.;  Slavin, A. N.;  Golub, V. O.;  Lesnik, N. A.; Otani, Y., Spin-wave spectra of perpendicularly magnetized circular submicron dot arrays. Appl Phys Lett 2004, 85 (3), 443-445.
  • Vavassori, P.;  Zaluzec, N.;  Metlushko, V.;  Novosad, V.;  Ilic, B.; Grimsditch, M., Magnetization reversal via single and double vortex states in submicron Permalloy ellipses. Phys Rev B 2004, 69 (21).
  • Scholz, W.;  Guslienko, K. Y.;  Novosad, V.;  Suess, D.;  Schrefl, T.;  Chantrell, R. W.; Fidler, J., Transition from single-domain to vortex state in soft magnetic cylindrical nanodots. J Magn Magn Mater 2003, 266 (1-2), 155-163.
  • Guslienko, K. Y.; Novosad, V., Comment on Scaling approach to the magnetic phase diagram of nanosized systems”. Phys Rev Lett 2003, 91 (13).
  • Novosad, V.;  Grimsditch, M.;  Darrouzet, J.;  Pearson, J.;  Bader, S. D.;  Metlushko, V.;  Guslienko, K.;  Otani, Y.;  Shima, H.; Fukamichi, K., Shape effect on magnetization reversal in chains of interacting ferromagnetic elements. Appl Phys Lett 2003, 82 (21), 3716-3718.
  • Kakazei, G. N.;  Wigen, P. E.;  Guslienko, K. Y.;  Chantrell, R. W.;  Lesnik, N. A.;  Metlushko, V.;  Shima, H.;  Fukamichi, K.;  Otani, Y.; Novosad, V., In-plane and out-of-plane uniaxial anisotropies in rectangular arrays of circular dots studied by ferromagnetic resonance. J Appl Phys 2003, 93 (10), 8418-8420.
  • Vavassori, P.;  Grimsditch, M.;  Novosad, V.;  Metlushko, V.; Ilic, B., Magnetization switching in Permalloy square ring magnets. J Appl Phys 2003, 93 (10), 7900-7902.
  • Vavassori, P.;  Grimsditch, M.;  Novosad, V.;  Metlushko, V.; Ilic, B., Metastable states during magnetization reversal in square permalloy rings. Phys Rev B 2003, 67 (13).
  • Novosad, V.;  Grimsditch, M.;  Guslienko, K. Y.;  Vavassori, P.;  Otani, Y.; Bader, S. D., Spin excitations of magnetic vortices in ferromagnetic nanodots. Phys Rev B 2002, 66 (5).
  • Shima, H.;  Novosad, V.;  Otani, Y.;  Fukamichi, K.;  Kikuchi, N.;  Kitakamai, O.; Shimada, Y., Pinning of magnetic vortices in microfabricated permalloy dot arrays. J Appl Phys 2002, 92 (3), 1473-1476.
  • Shima, H.;  Guslienko, K. Y.;  Novosad, V.;  Otani, Y.;  Fukamichi, K.;  Kikuchi, N.;  Kitakami, O.; Shimada, Y., Magnetization reversal in magnetostatically coupled dot arrays. J Appl Phys 2002, 91 (10), 6952-6954.
  • Guslienko, K. Y.;  Ivanov, B. A.;  Novosad, V.;  Otani, Y.;  Shima, H.; Fukamichi, K., Eigenfrequencies of vortex state excitations in magnetic submicron-size disks. J Appl Phys 2002, 91 (10), 8037-8039.
  • Grimsditch, M.;  Vavassori, P.;  Novosad, V.;  Metlushko, V.;  Shima, H.;  Otani, Y.; Fukamichi, K., Vortex chirality in an array of ferromagnetic dots. Phys Rev B 2002, 65 (17).
  • Otani, Y.;  Shima, H.;  Guslienko, K.;  Novosad, V.; Fukamichi, K., Magnetic properties of nano-structured ferromagnetic dot arrays. Phys Status Solidi A 2002, 189 (2), 521-526.
  • Novosad, V.;  Guslienko, K. Y.;  Otani, Y.;  Shima, H.; Fukamichi, K., Magnetostatic interdot coupling in arrays of circular ferromagnetic dots. J Magn Magn Mater 2002, 239 (1-3), 234-236.
  • Novosad, V.;  Guslienko, K. Y.;  Shima, H.;  Otani, Y.;  Kim, S. G.;  Fukamichi, K.;  Kikuchi, N.;  Kitakami, O.; Shimada, Y., Effect of interdot magnetostatic interaction on magnetization reversal in circular dot arrays. Phys Rev B 2002, 65 (6).
  • Guslienko, K. Y.;  Novosad, V.;  Otani, Y.;  Shima, H.; Fukamichi, K., Magnetization reversal due to vortex nucleation, displacement, and annihilation in submicron ferromagnetic dot arrays. Phys Rev B 2002, 65 (2).
  • Novosad, V.;  Guslienko, K. Y.;  Shima, H.;  Otani, Y.;  Fukamichi, K.;  Kikuchi, N.;  Kitakami, O.; Shimada, Y., Nucleation and annihilation of magnetic vortices in sub-micron permalloy dots. Ieee T Magn 2001, 37 (4), 2088-2090.
  • Guslienko, K. Y.;  Novosad, V.;  Otani, Y.;  Shima, H.; Fukamichi, K., Field evolution of magnetic vortex state in ferromagnetic disks. Appl Phys Lett 2001, 78 (24), 3848-3850.
  • Souche, Y.;  Tufaile, A. P. B.;  Santi, C. E.;  Novosad, V.; Santos, A. D., Figure of merit for transverse magneto-optical Kerr effect. J Magn Magn Mater 2001, 226, 1686-1687.
  • Otani, Y.;  Kohda, T.;  Novosad, V.;  Fukamichi, K.;  Yuasa, S.; Katayama, T., Shape induced in-plane magnetic anisotropy rorientation in epitaxial hexagonal close packed cobalt dots. J Appl Phys 2000, 87 (9), 5621-5623.
  • Novosad, V.;  Otani, Y.;  Ohsawa, A.;  Kim, S. G.;  Fukamichi, K.;  Koike, J.;  Maruyama, K.;  Kitakami, O.; Shimada, Y., Novel magnetostrictive memory device. J Appl Phys 2000, 87 (9), 6400-6402.
  • Novosad, V.;  Souche, Y.;  Pishko, V.;  Crozes, T.;  Otani, Y.; Fukamichi, K., Magneto-optical Kerr effect in conical diffraction geometry of micron-size Fe3Si wire array. Ieee T Magn 1999, 35 (5), 3145-3147.
  • Kohda, T.;  Otani, Y.;  Novosad, V.;  Fukamichi, K.;  Yuasa, S.;  Nyvlt, M.; Katayama, T., Shape effect on the magnetic anisotropy of an array of epitaxial (10 center dot 0) Co dots. Ieee T Magn 1999, 35 (5), 3472-3474.
  • Eremenko, V. V.;  Novosad, V. A.;  Pishko, V. V.;  Falco, C.; Rashkovan, V. M., Microwave transmittance of a high-T-c superconductor film in a magnetic field. Low Temp Phys+ 1999, 25 (5), 384-385.
  • Tufaile, A. P. B.;  Santos, A. D.;  Souche, Y.; Novosad, V., Blue/green/red LED based TMOKE. Mater Sci Forum 1999, 302-3, 115-119.
  • Souche, Y.;  Novosad, V.;  Pannetier, B.; Geoffroy, O., Magneto-optical diffraction and transverse Kerr effect. J Magn Magn Mater 1998, 177, 1277-1278.
  • Eremenko, V.;  Novosad, V.;  Pishko, V.;  Geoffroy, O.;  Souche, Y.; Pannetier, B., Diffractional enhancement of the Kerr magnetooptic effect. Jetp Lett+ 1997, 66 (7), 494-497.
  • vanLabeke, D.;  Vial, A.;  Novosad, V. A.;  Souche, Y.;  Schlenker, M.; DosSantos, A. D., Diffraction of light by a corrugated magnetic grating: Experimental results and calculation using a perturbation approximation to the Rayleigh method. Opt Commun 1996, 124 (5-6), 519-528.
  • Anders, A. G.;  Volotskii, S. V.;  Eremenko, V. V.;  Zvyagin, S. A.;  Novosad, V. A.; Pishko, V. V., Magnetodipole Excitations and Ground Stare of the Rare-Earth Ion in Sm2cuo4. Fiz Nizk Temp+ 1993, 19 (10), 1146-1148.

Non-referred publications:

  • Y. Liu, M. Iavarone, A. Belkin, G. Karapetrov, V. Novosad, M. Zhernenkov, Q. Wang, M. R. Fitzsimmons, V. Lauter, S. G. E. te Velthuis Y. Liu, M. Iavarone, A. Belkin, G. Karapetrov, V. Novosad, “ Neutron reflectometry studies on magnetic stripe domains in permalloy / superconductor bilayers”, (2014)  http://​arx​iv​.org/​a​b​s​/​1​4​1​0​.5520
  • A. Datesman, J. McMahon, L. Bleem, R. Weikle, V. Yefremenko, G. Wang, V. Novosad, C. Chang, A. Crites, J. Mehl, A. Meyer, & J. Carlstrom,  Analytical solutions for the design and evaluation of absorber-coupled waveguide bolometer detectors”, Microwave Symposium Digest, 5972882 (2011). DOI: 10.1109/MWSYM.2011.5972882. 
  • G. Karapetrov, and V. Novosad, Domain walls riding the wave”, (Viewpoint Hightlight  / section on Spintronics- Nanophysics), Physics 3, 96 (Nov. 2010).
  • H. Kim, E. A. Rozhkova, T. Rajh, S. D. Bader, and V. Novosad , Thermoresponsive magnetic micelles for simultaneous magnetic hyperthermia and drug delivery”, NanoTech Conference Expo Proc., 2, 294-297 (2009).
  • T. Chui, V. Novosad and S.D. Bader, “ Finite frequesncy response of nanomagnetic structures”, 9th IEEE Conference on Nanotechnology (IEEE-NANO)  Proceedings, pp.: 659-662  (2009).
  • W. Ingle, V. Novosad,   Fact Sheet: TES microbolometer improved method for broadband imaging”, ANL, Argonne, IL,. 2012.
  • V. Yefremenko, E. Gordiyenko, G. Shustakova, S. D. Bader, G. Karapetrov, V. Novosad, Optically activated high temperature superconducting microbolometer”,  J. Phys: Conf. Series, 43, 1342-1345 (2006) .
  • V. Khovaylo, V. Shavrov, V, Novosad, A. Korolyov, M. Ohtsuka, O. Savel’eva, and T. Takagi, Ni-Mn-Sn: Novel ferromagnetic shape memory alloys”, Functional Materials 13(3) , 474-477 (2006).
  • V. Novosad, F. Fradin, A. J. Rosengart, S. G. Guy, K. Y. Guslienko, V. Yefremenko, K. Buchanan and S. D. Bader, Ferromagnetic microdisks: novel magnetic particles for biomedical applications”, NanoTech Conference Expo Proc., 1, 308 (2005).
  • Gordiyenko, V. Yefremenko, J. Pearson, S. Bader and V. Novosad, High Sensitivity and Cost Effective Infrared System for Imaging of Concealed Objects in Dynamic Mode,” Proceedings of Defense and Security Symposium, Section of Sensors, and Command, Control, Communications, and Intelligence (C3I) Technologies for Homeland Security and Homeland Defense IV, SPIE 5778, 103 (2005).  
  • V. Yefremenko, E. Gordiyenko, J. Pearson, S. Bader and V. Novosad, Superconducting Microbolometer with Controllable Coordinate Sensitivity as an Alternative Approach to Focal Plane Arrays Design,” Proceedings of the Symposium on Defense and Security Symposium 2005, Section of Infrared Technology and Applications XXXI, SPIE 5783, 967 (2005).
  • V. Novosad, A. Ohsawa, Y. Otani, K. Fukamichi, O. Kitakami, and Y. Shimada, Stress effect on the magnetic state of small ferromagnetic dots,” Proc. Conf. on Magnetics of Jpn. Electronic Society, 186-190 (2000).
  • V. Rashkovan, S. Ivaschenko, A. Kvasha, V. Lyakhno, C. Falco, V. Novosad, and V. Pishko, In-situ deposition of ZrO2 by reactive cathode sputtering” (in Russian). 1998 Proceedings of Kharkiv Aerospace University, pp. 110-113, Kharkiv, Ukraine (1998).

Book Chapters:

  • Di Giorgio, F. Bobba, A. Scarfato, D. D’Agostino, M. Iavarone, G. Karapetrov, S. A. Moore, M. Polichetti, D. Mancusi, V. Novosad, V.  Yefremenko and A. M. Cucolo, Superconducting Vortex-Antivortex pairs: nucleation and confinement in magnetically-coupled Superconductor-Ferromagnet Hybrids”, book chapter in Vortex Dynamics”, INTECH, Ed.Hector Perez-De-Tejada, (2017), ISBN 978-953-51-4889-9.
  • Yu. Kobljanskyj, D. Slobodianiuk, G. Melkov, K. Guslienko, V. Novosad, S. Bader, M. Kostylev, A. Slavin, Nonlinear Dynamic Properties of Two-Dimensional Arrays of Magnetic Nanodots”; in Handbook of Nanomagnetism: Applications and Tools Page numbers: pp. 97 - 116, Chapter 5, 2015, Pan Stanford Publishing Pte. Ltd., Singapore | Editors: Edited by Rosa Lukaszew, ISBN: 978-981-4613-04-0.
  • V. Novosad and E. A. Rozhkova, Ferromagnets-based multifunctional nanoplatform for targeted cancer therapy”, in Biomedical Engineering, Trends in Materials Science”, Edited by: A. N. Laskovski, (2011). ISBN 978-953-307-513-6.