Dematties, Dario; Rajani, Samir; Sankaran, Rajesh; Shahkarami, Sean; Raut, Bhupendra; Collis, Scott; Beckman, Pete; Ferrier, Nicola Acoustic fingerprints in nature: A self-supervised learning approach for ecosystem activity monitoring Ecological Informatics (2024)
Larson, Jeffrey; Menickelly, Matt Structure-Aware Methods for Expensive Derivative-Free Nonsmooth Composite Optimization Mathematical Programming Computation (2024)
Cole, David; Zavala, Victor PlasmoData.jl A Julia Framework for Modeling and Analyzing Complex Data as Graphs Computers & Chemical Engineering (2024)
Chen, Jau-Uei; Kang, Shinhoo; Bui-Thanh, Tan; Shadid, John N. A UNIFIED HP-HDG FRAMEWORK FOR FRIEDRICHS PDE SYSTEMS Computers & Mathematics With Applications (2024)
Choi, Jungwa; Wehde, Wesley; Maulik, Romit Politics of Problem Definition: Comparing Public Support of Climate Change Mitigation Policies using Machine Learning Review of Policy Research (2024)
Lin, Dergan; Jiang, Yi; Deng, Junjing; Marin, Fabricio; Di, Zichao Efficient boundary-guided scanning for high-resolution X-ray ptychography Journal of Synchrotron Radiation (2024)
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Huang, Zhongzhan; Liang, Senwei; Zhang, Hong; Yang, Haizhao; Lin, Liang On Fast Simulation of Dynamical System with Neural Vector Enhanced Numerical Solver Scientific Reports (2023)
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