Advanced science and technology to advance science and technology
Argonne maintains a comprehensive suite of research facilities central to the laboratory’s scientific enterprise. From particle accelerators to automotive testbeds, these facilities give Argonne scientists and their collaborators access to tools and techniques found in many instances nowhere else.
The magnet allows for the measurement and calibration of the experiment’s custom-built probes, as it provides not only a strong field but one that is uniform and stable.
Argonne’s Accelerated Discovery Laboratory (ADL) utilizes highly automated and parallel approaches for applying high-throughput and combinatorial experimental methodologies to accelerate the development of new materials.
AML will assist the nuclear community in examining radioactive samples at the High-Energy X-ray Microscope (HEXM) and other beamlines at the Advanced Photon Source.
EPR spectroscopy is an indispensable technique for investigating the chemical, biochemical and catalytic reactions in systems containing unpaired electron spins.
The Advanced Protein Characterization Facility (APCF) utilizes high-throughput automated methods for bioinformatics, proteomics, molecular and structural biology.
The ALEX facility is designed for research using liquid metal systems and reaches areas as varied as nuclear physics, material science, and nuclear engineering.