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Educational Programs and Outreach

ESRP Beamline Sectors Index

The schools participating in the Exemplary Student Research Program utilize facilities and staff from many different divisions at Argonne and the Advanced Photon Source (APS). Below is a list of all beamline sectors that have been involved in ESRP projects:

Center for Nanoscale Materials

Chemical Sciences and Engineering

Sector 2 - Imaging / Microscopy

Sector 4-ID-E: Synchrotron X-ray Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (SX-STM)

Sector 5 - DND-CAT

Sector 8 - Microscopy / Time-Resolved Research

Sector 9 - Spectroscopy

Sector 10 - MR-CAT

Sector 11 - Structural Science

Sector 12 - Chemical and Materials Science

Sector 13 - GSECARS

Sector 15 - ChemMatCARS

Sector 16 - HP-CAT

Sector 17 - IMCA-CAT

Sector 18 - BioCAT

Sector 19 - SBC-CAT

Sector 20 - Spectroscopy / PNC

Sector 21 - LS-CAT

Sector 22 - SER-CAT

Sector 24: NE-CAT

Sector 26 - Microscopy

A full list of all APS sectors and contact information can be found here.